Thursday, July 7, 2016

Luna's Newborn Photos!

My baby barely seems like a newborn these days with all that chub growing on her little arms and legs and her sturdy neck and back control. Not to mention she is far less sleepy than ever. I love when babies start getting to be more aware of their surroundings, but it is tempting to want to hold on to those newborn snuggles forever.

Luckily, I was able to sneak in some professional newborn photos before it was too late. I was worried that Luna wouldn't be very cooperative considering she's less sleepy now and really is only happy when being held by her mama, but the shoot went great! Thanks to one of my childhood BFFs, Savannah (owner of Savvy Photography. If you're in Northern Utah, check her out!) and her amazing natural mom skills, she was able to get my little fussy miss compliant enough to sit (sleep) through a two-hour shoot!

Here are just a few of my faves. There were so many, It was tough to choose. I can't believe I have such a beautiful little baby! I can't believe she's mine! <3

I have so much love for this sweet girl. I am so lucky to be her mama.