Sunday, July 17, 2016

Lately... Plus, I'm old(er)!

Hey everyone!! Hope you all had a great weekend. There's been so much going on the past week or so here that u figured I'd just do a lately post and get caught up on all the recent happs. 

So for those of you new to the blog or haven't been reading lately, I'm currently staying at my parents' house while we try and sell our house down south. Daniel is still working up north during the week and comes home to us on the weekends. 

It's been nice being here and not having to worry about keeping our house super duper clean and staged while having a 3 year old, newborn and two dogs. Ha! 

So last weekend, my older sister and her family came to spend the week with us and my little sis, her girlfriend and her best friend and BF's daughter came to visit for the weekend. (Catch all that? Lol) 

The highlight was that they surprised me with s little birthday party for my 29th bday! 

I don't always feel that old, but when I do, it's because of the cute little sleep deprivation under eye circles that seem to have taken over my face. Lol. 

The party was fun and the kids all had a fun weekend. We did a quick little trip to the river beach too. Luna's first time! She didn't get out of the barrier though. We'll save sand exploration for when she's a little older. 

On Tuesday my parents left to go cross country to see my grandma (dad's mom) who unfortunately isn't doing well. Rusty, my older sister, her boys and me and my kiddos stayed to hold down the house here. 

It was a crazy but fun week. Wednesday was my actual bday and we had a picnic at the park and let the kiddos run around. Followed by my sister making me a delish bday dinner! 

Bday selfie obvs. 

This past weekend, my other sister and her gang came back for the weekend and we made another trip to the beach. It was really fun, but HOT. I may have forgotten to put on sunscreen. Ugh.

Hope you all are ready to tackle a new week. Good luck out there, friends. 

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