Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Jack update!

Hey folks! It's been a while. Things have been busy. Good busy. But still busy.

Hope you all are having a great start to the New Year! It looks like 2016 is going to be a pretty great/stressful/crazy year for our little family. But hopefully in the long run, it'll all work out for the best.

Before I get to my update on Jack (because it's been a while since I shared what's going on with him), I'll share some other news. We're moving!!

I've lived in Southern Utah for almost 10 years and Daniel grew up here. So moving to the northern part of the state is going to be a new adventure for us!

So if anyone is looking to relocate to Southern Utah anytime soon, I know a fabulous house for sale. ;)

In other news, Jack only has two more months to be a two year old! SAY WUTTTT??

Time flew this year. And Jack has changed so much. I love this age. The personality is full blown out there and it's amazing. For both good and bad. I love that he's so independent and intelligent, but I love that he's still my little cuddle bug.

He's officially 30 lbs finally and in 3T clothing. Still a little baggy on him, but he's outgrowing 2T. He's my skinny little guy.

BUT he's eating so much better. He loves healthy food just as much as he loves junk. So it's a good balance. He ate his first PB&J sandwich the other day, so that was pretty monumental. Oh, and he LOVED it.

He's super excited to be a big brother. He wants to feel baby sister kick all the time and loves saying her name.

He's got so many funny things he says. Words and phrases that I hope he never fixes.
Here are a few:

"Hurry up slow, folks!"
"Loser's sleepers!"
"Hear phones" (instead of head/ear phones)
"Root beerp"

He's also now officially a pro at the potty. That's been a handy learned skill. If you read my other post, you'll know that potty training went really well for us. Thank goodness. I just hope it stays that way amidst all the transition coming up.

He's now in a big boy bed 80 percent of the night! Some nights he crawls in with us half way through and some nights he makes it until it's time to wake for morning cuddles. Either way, I'll take it. :) Progress, yay!

Speaking of sleep. He doesn't nap. Ever. Unless we get in the car to go somewhere at 5 p.m. and then the night is just basically ruined. It sucks. He'll crash, wake up, and then refuse to sleep until 11 p.m.

He's so physical these days. I assume because we are cooped up in the house all of the time hibernating from winter. So we spend a lot of time playing tag, racing and having dance parties. Jack loves it. I just can't wait until spring/summer so we can play outside more!

He's really competitive these days too. But it's good. He learns that it's fun to win, but that sometimes mommy gets to win too. Those are hard lessons to swallow, but we get through it. ;)

These days have been really fun. We're past some of the challenges that came with age 2, but I hear lots more are coming at age 3, so we'll just keep trucking along. :) Plus, we'll be back in the baby stages by then too, so we'll just have a full plate to manage. Yay! Haha.

Showing off his new back pack from Grammy! 

Some days by the time he goes to bed, I am just ready to crash alongside him. And others, I just watch him sleep. His sweet little face resting for the first time all day, his normally talking mouth closed and quiet for the first time all day (ha!) and I take it all in. And realize how lucky I am to be a mama to my best little buddy. And he really is. I am so fortunate to have such a great bond with him. I can't wait to see the relationship he is going to build with his baby sister too. Year 3 is going to be a big one for this kid.

A rare nap. 

Loving going for a ride in "grandpa's big red truck!" He told me: "this is a pretty good ride alright!" 


Hanging with Uncle Rusty. 

"Sprinkles make a good snack!" He says. ;) 

I love this kid so much. <3

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