Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekend Recap!

Other than celebrating my baby's 3-month bday yesterday, we had a good/rough weekend. A little bit of good, a little bit of rough. LOL. We'll start with the rough. Well, Jack has been struggling with nursing all week. Honestly, I attributed it to the fact that me going back to work has been a big adjustment for all of us and he's having to take a bottle during the day. He was refusing to nurse many evenings and I even resorted to giving him a bottle of my expressed breast milk, but he didn't seem happy about that either.

His appetite started to decrease and he was fussier than ever. Well Friday night, he started making this really congested sound in his nose but he didn't appear to have any grossness up in there. The humidifier didn't really seem to be helping. Then Saturday he started pulling his ear, which he will occasionally do if he's tired, but this was a lot rougher and more frequent. Sunday, he started really acting like he was in pain. And even though he would nurse better, his feedings were still way more spaced out than I am used to. He was going a full three (sometimes four hours) in between sessions. And he started acting like he was in pain. Crying with real anguish, not just impatience or frustration. Poor baby. So I think he might have an ear infection. I'm taking him into his pediatrician later today, so I will update you all on what might be going on there.

Despite the rough time with that, Jack still tried to be happy and playful. He loves to play and laugh and giggle. Seriously, too cute my boy :)

We also had a good time watching all of The Babysitter's Club episodes from the early 90s on Netflix.

Man, that took me back. I was obsessed with The BSC as a kid. Mostly the books but the show too. So awesome. My favorite was Mary Ann because she was a big book nerd like me. ha! I still have a lot of the books. Guess I'm holding on to them in case I ever have a daughter who is interested. Think she'd be able to get past the descriptions of all of the cray cray 90s clothes those girls wear? Especially Claudia. That girl was sooo fashion forward ;)

So if you are a former BSC fan (did you try and start your own BSC with your friends, too?? LOL) and can get past the cheeseball acting for the sake of some serious nostalgia, you should check it out on Netflix streaming. Say hello to your friends!

The other best part about my weekend was sleeping in Sunday. Ahhh glorious. For the first time in three months, I didn't wake up earlier than 6:30. Daniel got up with Jack and took him upstairs until he got really hungry around 8:30 (I'd just been up at 5:30 to feed him). But by then I was already starting to wake anyway. But seriously, sleeping in was delightful!

Back to the grindstone today though. Hope you all are having a tolerable great Monday!


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