Sunday, June 9, 2013

Three months :)

My baby boy is three months old today! I love this stage. I feel like we are finally starting to get our groove with feeding, sleeping, etc. And he is finally big enough that I don't feel like I am going to break him. haha. We are having a few struggles still, but I think that I can attribute to going back to work really throwing off some things. He's been difficult to nurse in the evenings and I think that is because he is used to having a bottle all day. We eventually get there though. I do plan on calling the pediatrician tomorrow however. I think he might be having some sinus issues. Poor little guy gets congested really easily even if I have the humidifier going. I know that is somewhat normal, but sometimes he makes this really weird sound when he sucks back air in his nose. So this first-time-mama is going to call the doc just to be safe :)

Let's get back to our three-month update:

Length: About 24 inches
Weight: About 14 lbs
Clothing size: Still a few 0-3 outfits, but not many. Mostly 3-6.
Diaper size: 2, but I just ordered some cloth diapers that should be here soon. Can't wait to show off my fluff!

He is officially rolling from back to tummy but it takes some coaxing. His shoulder still gets in the way and he doesn't always figure out how to get it under him. He hasn't quite figured out how to roll back over head.

Great head control. He's a professional bumbo sitter and loves to sit as much as he can. He also tries to sit up on his own. So if I lean him against a pillow or the boppy, he will try to sit up. lol. He has sat up a few times with just the help of the boppy.

The Nuk paci! He finally will take a pacifier! I know this isn't technically a milestone, but it's been a great advancement. Not that I don't love being a human pacifer sometimes when I have the time, it's nice to have an alternative and this neat little trick actually helps him nap on his own, without me having to hold him! I am thanking his Aunt Genelle for this one. :)

I had tried the Nuk style paci when he was little and he immediately spit it out and looked at me like I was crazy for even trying. Fortunately he's seemed to really come around. He still likes the advent paci's okay but wouldn't really try too hard to keep them in his mouth. The Nuk seems easier that way.

I do think he pretty much does have an aversion to dairy though in my diet. I had cut it out when he was really little since he was so gassy all of the time, but I started thinking that might have just been because of my issues with overactive letdown while nursing. But then I ended up trying dairy again this past week and it hugely backfired. He was super colicky all week/end. So I cut it out again on Friday and finally today he seems to be doing better. Guess I really don't need to be eating much dairy for the next year or so, right? LOL.

Other stuff about Jack, he is super playful and can finally grab things intentionally. He has a few favorite rattles and loves the toys that hang down on his play mat. He even started trying to use his feet to try and grab stuff! lol. Too cute.

He loves to laugh and giggle and we have fun playing all of our silly games.

Most of all, he loves hanging out with me! Haha! I figure this stage won't last long and he'll soon realize dad is the cool one so I have to savor it while I can :) Love my mama's boy!

Happy three-months baby boy!

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