Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Feeling better...sorta

Luckily it's not an ear infection! Or any other kind of infection for that matter. Poor little guy just has some serious congestion going on, which is compounding the pressure in his ears. :( He woke up at 5 a.m. and couldn't sleep because he couldn't breathe very well without sucking grossness in his nose. So it was time to exorcise the snot and seriously, it was like a full blown exorcism. Screaming, crying, head spinning around multiple times in order to avoid the nose bulb. Not good times. I finally got his nose clean enough so he could breathe while eating and he went back to sleep for another hour. The pediatrican gave him some special nose drops, so I am hoping that will help. They are already seeming to work better than the saline drops. He is also still kinda rubbing/pulling at his ear, but it isn't as bad. At least he was super playful last night. I am taking that as a good sign!

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