Friday, June 28, 2013

Sleeping like a baby

Never have I heard such a misnomer! Seriously, sleeping like a baby?? Maybe some babies sleep like a rock for 12 hours straight, but not many I know. This post is going to be kind of a whiney one, but seriously, I'm exhausted.

Jack used to sleep from about 8 p.m. to 6-6:30 a.m. waking up once around 4-5 a.m. to eat for about 10 minutes and then it was back to sleep. Well, something happened. Something bad. Because now he wakes up around 2 a.m. then again around 4-5 and then he's generally awake by about 6.

Last night was fun. Last night Jack decided to wake up at 2 and not go back to sleep until 3. Ugh. Fortunately that was the only time he woke up until about 7, but holy crap am I tired today.

It was a lot easier handling the lack of sleep when I was on maternity leave and was at home all day. Not saying those days were necessarily easy but it was a lot easier to handle than now where I actually have to shower, get dressed and look semi presentable. I also have to remember important tasks now. I have to be a professional and still do what I need to do to earn a paycheck during the day. Then I have to go home and take care of my baby. It's hard. Being a working mom is harder than I ever imagined. Kudos to all of those amazing ladies who do it with more than one baby/child!

Speaking of sleep, Jack is starting to outgrow his Rock N Play. Boooo!!


I wish they made one just in a bigger size. lol. He still does best if I put him to sleep there first and then later in the night switch him to the Arms Reach co-sleeper.

No, I don't normally let him sleep with loose blankets like that, but this was a nap and I was right there the entire time :)

For a few nights last week, I ended up having to put him in bed with us because that is the only way I could get him to sleep, but I really don't feel comfortable with him sleeping in our actual bed. I know lots of people have successful co-sleeping experiences, but we only have a queen size bed and Daniel is a big guy and does a lot of tossing and turning. I ended up getting this co-sleeper on one of those Facebook Yardsale pages. Only paid $50 for a $200 sleeper tha is practically brand new. Winning!

I also think I am just so exhausted these days because of the external stress going on with all of the family stuff. Plus, I think all of the extra driving around is really getting to me. I have to drive Jack to and from my SIL's house every day, plus the regular 30 minute drive to and from work. It's really adding up. Now with summer temps spiking, the heat is also really compounding that.

This was last night at about 8 p.m. It's going to get worse this weekend. Ughh. Put a fork in me already.

So I guess what I am getting at with this post is the question: does it ever get easier? I don't expect Jack to start sleeping better, nor do I have any lofty goals of being able to get more naps or more sleep in general. So does it get easier to be able to operate on less sleep? I know I used to do it all of the time in college, but I was also sick a lot during that time...

Any sleeplessness tips are much appreciated! TGIF everyone :D

Quick Edit: I just wanted to add that I know there are lots of moms with babies/kids who get even less sleep than I do, so I know it could be a lot worse! lol.

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