Thursday, June 27, 2013

My life lately...

Things lately have been a little stressful. And sad. And just overall overwhelming. On the positive side however, some of what is going on has brought together family and I've been able to see some folks that I haven't had the chance to see for a while.

If you remember from my last post, my grandma isn't doing well. With stage four lung cancer that is continuing to spread, she's had to make the difficult decision to begin hospice. She and my grandpa both are incredibly strong however, so I know she is going to make the most of her last days with us.

The couple who naps together, stays together. (nearly 60 years!)

My mom and brother Rusty have also been in town helping them out so I've gotten to spend some good time with them lately.

My little sister Nicki came to visit too. Jack absolutely lurves his aunt Nicki! He gave her a giggle within about two minutes of first seeing her. It was super adorbs.

My mom's brother, my uncle Jerry, also came to visit. Jack really liked him too :)

The next day, my uncle brought his daughter (my cousin, obvs) Zoie and her super itty bitty and adorable new baby Acyx. He's only three weeks old, but dang this kid is tiny! I don't remember Jack ever being that small. It was so funny seeing the babies interact.
Jack is like, whaaaa is that??

They are sticking their tongues out at each other. lol.

My mom, a great aunt!
In addition to all that is going on with my family, Dan's side has been having its own share of strife. My SIL got into a really bad car accident Saturday morning. She has a pretty severe back injury and had to be life flighted to Salt Lake. So far she's only had to have surgery on her elbow but might still have to have surgery on her back. On behalf of her and my grandma, please send all of the positive vibes/prayers you've got!

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