Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's day and weekend recap

Hope all of you great fathers out there had a lovely day yesterday! Daniel did, I think :) It was pretty laid back and we mostly just ended up hanging out. I got him a photobook that I made of pictures of him and Jack over the past three months. It turned out really cute. Then I took him breakfast in bed. Mmm!

In honor of Father's Day and the fact that everyone keeps telling me how much Jack looks like his daddy, I prepared this picture:

Definitely similar, right?? I think Jack has my eyes and his face is shorter than Dan's but other than that, he is definitely a mini-Daniel!
Also in honor of Father's Day, here are a few shots of my dad :) Love this man.

I also ended up getting my Baby K'Tan Breeze this weekend. It is sorta like the Moby but it doesn't actually require wrapping and the breeze offers a lighter weight mesh material. It doesn't fit Daniel though so he is going to stick with the Moby, which worked better on him anyway.
Jack didn't want to look at the camera for anything. lol.
Other than that, we just kind of hung low for the weekend.
Oh and in case you hadn't heard, I got my hair cut! I lurve it. :)
I also wanted to take a few minutes to ask you all to keep my granny in your thoughts and prayers. She was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago and has been going through chemo, but unfortunately her health is continuing to decline. She is currently in the hospital, but we're hoping she'll be able to go home again soon. I love this lady. She is so amazing.

Hope you all have a great week!

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