Friday, May 31, 2013

First week recap

Luckily it's been a short week, so I guess this isn't really a full-week recap, but I feel like I've experienced enough to know about how things are going to go work/mama wise here on out.

If I haven't mentioned it before, my job can be super stressful. The life of a reporter is one where you are constantly trying to get the most accurate info possible (whether most people believe that or not). I still believe in journalistic integrity, along with the rest of the folks I know here at our newspaper. Sure, there are reporters and journalists out there who don't care as much, but one of the principals and values we are taught first and foremost is to gather the truth and minimize harm. I am definitely not going to be one of those reporters out there demanding a grieving family talk to me after losing their home in a fire. I try to handle things as sensitively as possible, while still trying to get as many facts as possible. Maintaining the two can be a difficult balance, but it's what I constantly try to do in my job.

Anyway, moving on. So far this week has been better in some ways than I expected and worse in some ways.

Let's talk about the positive first.

For instance, adult conversation. Seriously, guys, I needed this. I needed the mental stimulation in being able to carry on a conversation that didn't include the words "patty cake." Not that Jack and I don't have a wonderful time playing games (my fave is one I made up called Snuggle Bunny. ha! It's fun. Trust me) but it's also good for me to feel like I am part of the real world again.

It's also so nice to be able to go to the bathroom in peace without having Jack screaming at me in the background for my audacity.

Not a patient kid, my boy. (gee, I wonder where he gets that? :p)

I also like earning money. Always have. I was the kid out there on the sidewalk in the summer time with my best friends and siblings trying to overcharge for a cup of powder-mixed lemonade. I was the pre-teen who thought it would be cool to start up my very own Baby Sitter's Club with my friends. I was also the kid who started earning a real paycheck before entering junior high. It's just in my blood to work and make money.

But honestly, I would give up all of that if it meant I could stay home just a little while longer with my baby boy. I know it may not make sense to some people, but I think some of these mommy instincts to care and nurture my child are a little more hardwired in me than I expected. Not saying that if you enjoy working, you don't have mommy instincts. lol Just saying  that I never expected to feel such intensity in loving my little boy.

I am hoping to see some possible changes at work here in the near future, but I am not going to say what just yet until I know more certainly what is going to happen.

All in all I am just doing my best not to cry each day. I know, silly, but seriously it's hard. I am just hoping it gets a little easier. Most of all though I am so thankful that I get to spend the next two days with my little man :) Yay for weekends!

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