Sunday, June 2, 2013

12 weeks and photo dump

My kiddo is officially at the 12 week mark! Before I know it, he'll be sitting and crawling and teething (yikes!) Time is a flyin'!

Also, is there some kind of crazy 12-week growth spurt because this kid ate like a rhino all week and now this weekend he's all about catching his zzzz's.

Last night, he fell asleep at 5 p.m., which is normal for his short evening nap, but then he never woke back up. I woke him up to eat at 7 p.m. and he pretty much slept-nurse and then crashed again. When I realized this was officially bedtime, I went to bed myself at about 8:30. I'm a party animal these days, let me tell you.

Jack woke at 1 a.m. for a quick eat and then again at 4 a.m., but went right back to sleep until 6 a.m. So he slept almost 13 hours straight.

And now he is on number two nap of the day and it's not even noon! WTH? Who took my wide awake baby?? I'm sure his body is just gearing up to grow some more! (Slow down, baby!)

He is also almost totally transitioned out of his Rock N Play. He is just getting too big for it. He still sleeps well in it, but in the morning when he wants to stretch out, he'll end up waking himself up because he can't.

We'll keep him in our room in the bassinet for a little while longer, but as you can see, he'll outgrow that before too long too. Then we'll have to transition him to the crib in his room. Yikes! Not sure if I am ready for that yet. lol.

Here are a few other photos I wanted to share of my little guy and our week :)

These lashes. Seriously no fair.

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