Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Back to work!

Back to work, back to work...

I keep singing this in my head ala Billy Madison (back to school...) It's kind of weird because in a way I do feel like I just had my three months of summer vacation and now it's back to the grind. I didn't get nearly as much done on my maternity leave as I thought I would (write a book? psh. not even close.) But I did what was most important and that was spend hours of amazing quality time with my favorite baby boy.

It probably sounds crazy but I seriously enjoyed every last minute of lack of sleep, diaper changes, hours of cluster feeding, washing way more laundry than I ever imagined an itty bitty baby could go through and of course the hours of snuggles, watching the milestones and loving every single grin that baby boy gave me.

Yesterday was my first official day back and honestly it wasn't that bad. The news fairy was kind and didn't overwhelm me with a crazy day of breaking news first thing. I did forget my breast pump though. That was all kinds of ridiculous, but on a positive note, I was able to go visit Jack at lunch for a quick nursing session. And diaper change. Course he would wait for me to get there to have a massive blow out :) haha. (and sorry for the TMI image there! ha!)

I am also super glad that this week was a holiday week making this a 4-day work week. Not too bad! I'm already almost half way to the end! Emotionally yesterday was stressful just getting everything ready and today hasn't been bad either to be honest. I think it's going to get really tough tomorrow when I realize I have to keep doing this. Have to keep leaving my baby boy. I know I am being melodramatic about it all, but I never thought it would be this hard. My heart is torn in a million pieces wondering if I am doing the right thing. But of course, unless I plan on winning the lottery anytime soon, someone has to buy the groceries.

In a lot of ways it is good to be back at work, so I just have to keep focusing on the positive and trying my best not to keep clock watching until it's time to go pick up my little man!

It's only 5 1/2 hours left...
Fortunately, I know Jack is in excellent hands! My adorable and amazing sister in law Genelle is a wonderful doting auntie and I know Jack is having a great time.

Evidence here:

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