Thursday, April 11, 2013

The magic of the Moby Wrap

No, this isn't a sponsored post (I wish!) but just one to tell you all how much I LOVE the Moby wrap. Unfortunately, it doesn't hold as much magic for me as it does for Daniel, but either way this thing is more than just a giant hunk of fabric.

When we first opened it after purchasing it, I was like, uhhhh did I seriously just pay about $50 for a long-ass piece of fabric?? Now knowing it's magic, I do think I could have made my own, but I am also kinda lazy and not very talented when it comes to crafts so still thinking money well spent. 

Anyway, we got it in black and although that kind of sucks because we have cats and cat hair ends up on the wrap (ugh, we end up just using a fabric roller to get it off) it is a great color choice because Daniel isn't afraid to wear it. Well, the magic part comes in when Dan gives me a break or a chance to get a few things done (like shower) and puts on the wrap and inserts said (usually screaming at this time) baby. It calms him down right away. 

It's so cute to watch him cuddle with his daddy. 

He looks uncomfortable here, but I promise it was like instant sleep. LOL. 

Daniel looks unimpressed by the Moby's magic, but really I just caught him mid sentence. 

My fave daddy and Jack pic of all time :) 

As you can see, he has yet to fall asleep for me while in the Moby, but I think that is just because I need to make it more snug. I am just too worried about cutting off the circulation to his feet or something. lol. 

When I first tried to put it on, it was kind of a mess, but then I youtubed some tutorials and that made it a lot easier. I love that it is so versatile and can be worn for so many stages of the baby's development. It will definitely continue to come in handy as he grows. We haven't tried it out in public yet but I think the next time we hit up the grocery store, we might try it out. 

So new moms or moms to be, definitely consider getting a Moby wrap or figuring out how to use your crafty skills to make one because they are super awesome  :) 

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