Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Silly sleeper

Since I'm sure my FB friends are all sick of seeing pictures of my baby clogging up their newsfeed, I figured I'd share this (super adorable) pics of Jack sleeping in my own personal space. Cause it's my blog and I can ;)

I know you aren't supposed to let them fall asleep in the boppy but I was right there the entire time before I moved him to the Rock and Play and he just looks so funny. LOL!

His new fave way to crash.

Silliest faces.

I sleep with my arms up too. lol. 

Crashed out in daddy's arms.

Speaking of sleep, I thought newborns were supposed to sleep a lot? I guess he sleeps well at night (thank heavens!) He'll usually go 5 or 6 hours before I wake him to eat and then he'll go another three o four  before waking again. But then I am lucky if I get another 2-3 hour nap out of him the rest of the day! It's a good thing I'm not much of a napper myself. I do wonder if his inability to nap well is what makes him so irritable though. I've heard the overstimulation can do that. I just try to get him to at least take small naps throughout the day if I can. I am sure this is just payback considering I was never much of a napper even as a baby. (Sorry, mom! lol) 

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