Sunday, April 21, 2013

Six weeks!

I cannot believe we are at the 6 week mark. Are you kidding me? I've always heard that time flies once you have kids an they were not kidding. I am sad to think I only have four or five weeks left of my maternity leave.

Thankfully we have finally worked out what we are going to do for childcare. My sister in law Genelle is going to watch him for us during the day since she works at night and is going to school in the fall. For the time being, this is the second best arrangement I can think of to being able to be there with him myself (or having Daniel). Genelle is great with kids and has worked as a nanny before so I know she is going to do a stellar job. Plus, I feel really good about being able to leave him with family who love him and he won't have to compete with three other babies for attention. 

I was checking my email the other day and received my baby update complete with stats of where baby should or might be at. Like, he could be holding his head up when on his stomach. (yup) He might recognize the sound of your voice (yup, yup). And he might find music soothing (if my out-of-tune voice can put this little one to sleep, that is a definite yup.)

Then it mentioned this little bit of hilarity:

"Your little one is probably still sleeping the day away. Most likely, he is averaging 15-18 hours of sleep per day."


They clearly don't know my son and this also obviously means there is no one-size-fits-all baby. I'm lucky if Jack takes a two hour nap throughout the day. Usually he falls asleep for ten minutes here and there after feedings  but the minute I try to move him into  his bed, he wakes up. His startle reflex has really gotten out of control the past week or so. He wasn't bad as a new newborn so we never swaddled him and I'm really regretting that now because he wakes himself up. A lot. 

Fortunately nighttime sleep is usually awesome. He'll sleep from about 9:30/10 p.m. to 2 or 3 a.m. Will be back in bed after a quick diaper change and meal within 30 to 45 minutes and then will sleep again to at least 5:30/6. Sometimes he won't wake up again until 7 when Daniel has to get up to go to work. Love those nights. The downside to no naps though is that I don't get nearly as much done as I want to.

However, Jack finally decided that he does enjoy his bouncy chair that vibrates so I put that in the kitchen with me yesterday while I cleaned and did dishes and he just sat there and chilled the entire time. Woot!! Major success :) 

He also tried out his new play mat we got from his Nay cousins. He didn't quite enjoy that as much as the bouncy chair. lol.

We also tried out the bumbo seat. Pretty adorable but I think we'll wait to use it on  a regular basis until he gets a little better head control, which is improving every day!

Another success was our first outing without Jack this week. Daniel and I went to dinner with some friends while Dan's mom watched Jack for us along with the help of his two awesome sisters. Have I mentioned how awesome my in-laws are, btw? Of course they love getting to spend time with Jack, but it was also so nice to be able to leave him with people I trusted. That helped me be able to enjoy myself much better than I expected to. It was still super hard to be gone from him though. I am sure my separation anxiety was way worse than his. lol. 

Also this week, we got a visit from my awesome brother Marvin and his wife Courtney. As you know, my brother is a Marine and just got back from a lengthy voyage abroad on a Marine Expeditionary Unit. 

My grandparents also stopped by to see us while Marvin was here.

I love these people. They have been married for *I think* it's been 55 years this year.

For other updates on my baby boy, he is now about 11 1/2 lbs. Yeah, all of that cluster feeding is really beefing this kid up. lol. I'm wondering if that will slow down or if he will manage to double his birth weight by his 2 month check up. Sheesh. No wonder I am quickly developing those super toned mama arms. :)

Other news about me, I am officially a few lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight but my regular jeans still won't fit. What is up with that?? Stupid hips... BUT I do have my 6-week post partum checkup this week so I imagine he will clear me to begin working out again. Now I just need Jack to learn to take a nap or two so I can get a work out in. I plan on doing Jillian Michael's 30-day shred. I did it before and really enjoyed the cardio and saw results quickly, plus I am just not going to have the time to go on lengthy runs or trips to the gym for the time being. 

In other non-baby related matters, I am once again obsessed with the Hunger Games. Netflix has the first movie available for streaming right now and I've already watched it twice (after seeing it in theater twice, 2 days in a row. lol). I'm trying to get Daniel to watch it with me again. haha. Plus, I just finished rereading the first book and am now in the middle of Catching Fire. 

Also, how sad/weird is it that I watch this trailer every single day and may continue to do so until November? And how weird is it that I just admitted that to the Internets? Whatev. :) I'm a nerd. 

On a last and more serious note, I just want to say my heart goes out to all of the victims and their families involved in the Boston Marathon bombings this past week. I can't stop thinking about how scary and horrific that must have been and how so many lives are changed forever. It's times like these I put all of my faith into the idea that justice will prevail. It hurts my heart that Jack will grow up in a world so full of hatred. I just hope that he and the rest of his generation can do what they can to make this world a better place to live in.

Hope you all are having a great weekend!!



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