Tuesday, April 9, 2013

One month old!

It's so hard to believe that a month has already gone by! My life feels changed forever and in a good way. Sure, I kinda miss sleep and it would be nice to just be able to hop in the car and head to the grocery store without having to take a fully-stocked diaper bag and usually sometimes screaming baby. I am sure I am just an over-prepared first timer anyway, so it probably gets easier as you go, but for the most part the first month has been pretty awesome. I've learned so much and am getting much faster at changing diapers! Woot!

To document each month of Jack's life here on the blog, I have a few stats I'd like to make record of down below.

Baby stats:
Length: Probably about 22 inches. He was 21 3/4 inches at his 2 week checkup and this kid has been outgrowing clothes like crazy. We are officially out of all of the newborn size sleepers and onesies.  He is also officially in size 1 diapers. He lasted in the NB maybe two weeks because he just got too long and was having massive blowouts. ewww. 
Weight: Probably about 10 lbs. I weighed him on my scale before I fed him one morning and he was about 10 lbs then. Although that might not be super accurate. 
Sleep: Not too bad at night anyway. Rough during the day. He just doesn't want to nap! Taking after his dear ole mama. 
Eating: A lot. Not sure how much he consumes, but I know it's more than the recommended 2-3 oz every 2-3 hours. I suspect another growth spurt coming! He stil looks skinny though. Not much baby chub yet. It's all in his length! 

Mama's favorite baby stuff:
We aren't using a lot of stuff yet just because he isn't super mobile obviously but there are some things that I just can't live without including the Rock N' Play sleeper. This thing saved our lives. I've been recommending it to any pregnant woman I know. lol. I also am a HUGE fan of Boudreaux's Butt Paste and Mommy's Bliss Grip Water. I was using the Mylicon drops, but he likes the taste of the gripe water a lot more. As far as swings and baby bouncers go, he is just not a fan. He really doesn't like me to put him down at all. Daniel and I have found that the Moby wrap is a life saver. Check back later for our complete review of the Moby. 

Other stuff about Jack: 
He loves tummy time...at least when he is laying on your chest. He will tolerate the mat for a few minutes, but isn't too much of a fan. He just likes to be held so much. He already has pretty decent head/neck control! He loves to look up and see what is going on. 

First time doing tummy time!

He is super wide eyed and always wants to be part of what is going on. He loves getting visits from family :) He is super funny when he wakes up. He stretches and grunts for like 10 minutes before finally waking up. LOL. He also loves going on rides in his carseat and usually sleeps the entire time. 

I've been tempted to put him in the car and to go for a ride on times when I haven't been able to get him to sleep very well. Luckily at night time I can get him to go to sleep by either rocking him myself in the glider or putting him in the Rock N' Play and using his Glow Seahorse music, which will pretty much put him to sleep every time. 

He also likes bath time :)

He is still having some reflux issues, but I am still blaming that on my overactive letdown. Massive pumping to get rid of most of the foremilk has been helping as well as positioning when I nurse. He is burping a lot better though and that is seeming to help.

I can't believe I only have 6 weeks left with this little guy where I get to spend 24/7 with him! :( We still have lots to do before I go back to work including picking out a day care and introducing bottles. He is finally starting to get better with the pacifier so I am hoping he won't be too resistent to bottles. For now, I am just soaking up the days where I get to hang out with my little man. 

He still looks so much like his daddy!!

How freaking cute is this face?? LOL. #proudmama

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