Saturday, March 23, 2013

Two weeks old!

Time really is flying. Much like the majority of my pregnancy (not counting those painful last nine days) the past two weeks have gone by so fast! I cannot believe my baby boy has been alive in the outside world that long already. I'll admit it's mostly a blur of feedings, poopy diapers, naps and spit up but I'm trying to soak up every moment and avoid thinking about the fact that I am down to eight weeks left of maternity leave.

In the past two weeks Jack has successfully lost his umbilical cord stump, produced about a million poopy diapers, outgrown some of his newborn clothes already (this kid is tall!) and has done much better about sleeping. We finally got one of those Rock N Play nappers and it's been great. Because of his reflux he needs something with more of an incline than we could get out of the bassinet.

He also had fun with some tummy time this week! Jack already has some good head control. I'm impressed :)

As for me two weeks post partum I'm feeling pretty good. And I'm totally going to brag for a minute but I'm already down to my pre pregnancy weight. Woot! My body is definitely different and I didn't manage to get away without stretch marks (boo!) but they really aren't bad and of course totally worth it :)

We also got our newborn pics done today and luckily Jack agreed to take a break from eating for a short while and it all worked our great! Can't wait to see how the pics turned out. I know they are going to be super cute :)

Enjoy our picture recap of this week!

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