Thursday, March 21, 2013

A story about a baby and his birth

Writer's note: this blog entry is specifically about the birth of my baby from start to finish with some gory details likely included so if you don't like that sort of thing, scroll to the bottom for some cute baby pics or tune in next time :) it's also kind of long so be prepared for that.

It was in the wee hours of Saturday morning when I woke up because I noticed Dan still wasn't home. He'd been out playing D&D with some friends (yeah he's a nerd) so I texted him to fund out where he was. I was kind of annoyed because I'd been paranoid for weeks that he was going to stay out or up too late one night and then I would end up going into labor and then he would end up being super tired and out of it to be a good labor partner. If you remember me mentioning, I really wanted to do the whole thing natural and knew I was going to need strong labor support to do that.

He texted me back a few minutes later saying he'd be home soon and I went back to sleep. Well my parents and brother were in town helping us out with the house, getting ready for the baby and then obviously would be here for a few days after he baby arrived to help us get adjusted. So when Daniel got home he tried to sneak in the front door instead of the garage because he didn't want to wake my parents. Well he woke Newton instead who then proceeded to play guard dog barking his head off while Daniel tried to unlock the door. I was more worried about Newton waking the entire house so I hopped out of bed to let Dan in and that is when I felt a gush down my legs. Did I pee? Water broken? Still responding to the incessant barking I rushed to the front door to let Daniel in and continued to feel gushes of water trickling out as I walked. I most definitely did not pee my pants. The first thing I say to Dan is, "We need to go, my water just broke." In a sleepy, groggy voice.

Instant look of panic on his face.

"When? Really?"

"Just now when I came to open the door!"

Keep in mind that I'm now super annoyed because he had been up all night just in time for me to deliver our son.

We immediately gather the rest of the stuff we wanted to take to the hospital and Dan texts my mom telling her my water broke. She comes rushing downstairs and we give her instructions to stay home and sleep for a while longer, but my mom being the person she is says that she's already woken my dad and brother and will be catching up with us at the hospital soon and will bring caffeine for Dan. Because I have fluids still gushing out of me at intermittent moments I don't argue and off we go to the hospital.

Once we arrived, one of the nurses looked skeptical that my water had broken:

"Most of the moms come in and they've really just peed themselves," she said before checking the fluid to make sure it was in fact amniotic.

Which is was.

Another nurse said I must be having a storm baby and said that when it is stormy, they have an increase of women showing up with broken waters. Yay science! Whatever happened, I was just glad to be finally getting the show on the road.

Unfortunately my contractions didn't start. So they started me on pitocin, which I'd really wanted to avoid. But once your water breaks they get you on a time clock because of the increased risk of infection. Even walking around wasn't getting anything going so they got the pitocin going in small increments at 4:45 a.m. Unfortunately the baby didn't respond well to the super intense contractions (duh) so they had my lay on my sides, rotating to help keep the baby from distress. I also wasn't responding well and this was the part I had feared about being given pit. The contractions were out of this world painful. I'd requested the water tub room so I could try handling the pain in the tub but with the baby's heart not doing well (way to freak a mama out!) and my own pain, I caved and requested the epidural.

And you know what? That was the best decision I ever made. Labor was a complete breeze the rest of the time. So for all of you dying to tell me, "I told you so," feel free to do so. Because seriously, that epi rocked. Even getting it wasn't bad. I was prepared for this massive pain in my back but I didn't even feel it. All of a sudden the anesthesiologist was like, "k, you're done!"

Alrighty! I'll take it. :)

I was dilated to a five at this point and rapidly climbing (hence the distress on por baby Jack.)

By 8:15, I was dilated to a 7 and to a 9 just 45 minutes later. Because the baby was still not doing well with his heart rate by this point, they stopped the pit and decided to let things work on their own. (thank YOU!)

Now he began moving downward and finally switched his head into a birth ready position. The nurses had me start pushing at noon. However, after about three pushes, the doc comes rushing in. They told me that as a first-time mom I'd likely be pushing for up to two hours or so. However, three pushes later and his head was almost out. So by 12:24 p.m. Saturday, my baby was born. Only six pushes required. One minor tear (whew! Not nearly as bad as I was expecting.)

First moments outside the womb.

I delivered the afterbirth (ewww, sorry) and didn't even notice because they handed Jack to me right away for some skin to skin. After briefly crying, my baby boy curled up against me and just laid there content. I was crying (of course) and Daniel, who'd helped hold my leg and was my biggest cheerleader throughout the labor process and pushing, was in awe of our new baby boy. Daniel had said he didn't really want to see anything (delivery wise) and was hesitant to do anything but he ended up doing it all. Cut the cord like a champ and watched the crowning and everything. While crowning I asked was color Jack's hair was and they said he looked bald, which shocked me. I came out with a head full of hair as a baby! But when he actually was delivered, he does in fact have hair and it is like a reddish blond, which is another shock because Dan and I are both dark haired. But we do have the ginger gene in both of our families, so the chance was there. I am excited to see how his hair color, eye color (currently blue) change as he gets older.

Daniel holding my leg during delivery.

About 20 minutes after I delivered him, some extended family came in to see the baby after he was all checked and everything and then about 15 minutes later, he began breastfeeding. I was worried that it wouldn't feel natural for me to breastfeed but it did. Guess my instincts kicked in.

Finally we got to go to our post partum recovery room where I ordered shrimp and steak from the hospital cafeteria (yum!) and Daniel and I soaked up being parents. I couldn't sleep really at all that entire night and pretty much spent the next 12 hours trying to feed my sleepy baby and just stared in awe at how amazing and beautiful he was. Daniel, on the other hand, did get some sleep. lol. And I have to say that as annoyed I was about him coming home late that night, he more than made up for it by being a super awesome support during labor.

Turns out Jack did have a touch of jaundice but they still discharged us early Sunday morning so we could go home. We had to do a follow up Billi Rubin test last Tuesday, which he passed with flying colors!

My family was a great help and support during those first few days we were home, but unfortunately they had to leave too. I am so incredibly appreciative to the support and help from my family as well as Dan's family. We are so lucky to have them and our baby boy is so blessed to be part of such an amazing family too.

Now, almost two weeks later, it is hard for me to imagine life without Jack and I hope I never have to. I feel like the luckiest mama in the world. Yes, even when I am operating on 4 hours of sleep :D This little face makes it all worth it.

First moments with daddy.

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