Saturday, March 16, 2013

One week!!

It is so hard to imagine what my life was like before this little guy. Well, not really. It certainly didn't consist of changing more diapers than I ever thought a 7-lb baby could go through and feeding and feeding and more feeding using only the tools that God gave me. And the sleep, there is LOTS of that. Not always during the most convenient times for mama, but I'll work with what I get :D Plus, looking at this incredible face while he sleeps is often better than me getting a nap anyway.

Then of course, there are the few half-hour segments throughout the day where my baby boy is as alert as can be and truly looks ready to start playing! I sense I am going to have my hands full with this one!

I guess my life before was just so different. I had different things on my mind and different priorities. Not that my life before was bad, but now I just have something so much more important than myself to focus on and I love that. I was so ready to become a mom and now here I am blessed with one of the most important roles a person can take on. I don't take this responsibility lightly. I know there are hundreds of thousands of women out there who would give their right arm to become a mom and to know this joy. They spend thousands of dollars, undergo many different medical procedures and still are unable to become parents. And don't forget the dads. Daniel has changed so much in the past week too. He is overcome with love for Jack and it's remarkable to see. I honestly feel like my love for him has even grown. It's incredible. There are also lots of men out there who would love to be in his shoes and for various reasons are unable. Again, this is not a responsibility I take lightly.

Nap time while mom has breakfast

In fact, I get overwhelmed many days. Breastfeeding has not been the easiest. I am suffering from oversupply and forceful letdown and I hate it when Jack ends up practically choking on my milk. I hear this is supposed to regulate according to his needs eventually though and I am taking a few steps to hopefully accommodate that. For those of you reading this who have struggled with this same issue, I found this article to be incredibly informative.

Overall though, I am hoping that I am adjusting well to motherhood and I am sooo grateful that I will be able to still have 9 more weeks off from work to continue working on it. Although I suppose working on being a great mom is probably a life-long job at this point. lol.

Sorry for the overly emotional post today, folks. I am only a week post partum after all. Hellloooo Hormones! LOL.

We had Jack's four-day appointment with our pediatrician on Wednesday. Fortunately his Aunt Carrie works there too so she got to see the new little guy too. Turns out his head is tiny! lol. He is only in the 16th percentile for head measurement and is in the 28th percentile for weight but 80th percentile for height. So yeah, we got a tall and skinny little guy. He is definitely Daniel's son! The only characteristic I've found about him so far that resembles me are his fingers and nails (nice and long) and his impatience. lol. If you don't feed that kid right away, watch out!

Also, since I am assuming everyone is as obsessed with my baby as I am (LOL), and you aren't already getting your fill of adorable pics of him on facebook or here on my blog, you are more than welcome to follow me on Instagram @samanthaa528.

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