Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day!

For the record, I spent MUCH of my adult life as a single lady and didn't have a Valentine. So now that I do, I like to celebrate that fact. Not so much into the idea that you have to spend tons of money on one another or anything like that, but I do like that there is a day that reminds us to never take our loved ones for granted. I wish we could all say that we never do, but when life keeps you busy, there are some days that you forget to thank your lucky stars that you have someone so amazing in your life.  And I am not just talking about romantic kind of love either. It's great to be able to recognize how much love I have for everyone in my life, great friends and amazing family members alike.

So single or taken, I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day. I joked to Daniel that if we were to have had our baby on Valentine's Day that we should change the name of our baby to Skeeter Valentine instead. LOL!!

Fortunately for our child, he was not a Valentine's baby. Hence why I am able to write this blog post today:)

Instead of going into labor, Daniel and I got a great deal on some Rib Eye steak and lobster tails from a local butcher. It also came complete with a rose :D And my husband did an amazing job grilling up these bad boys! I was SO FULL.

I got to have the rose :) awwww.

Rare, baby. Just how I like :)
After dinner, we watched Zombieland. One we'd seen before, but nothing says "I love you, Valentine" quite like laughing over a zombie apocolypse. LOL.
On the baby front, clearly no labor yet! I made the mistake of googling "natural child birth" the other day and watching a video. OMG. DIED. I cried for about 20 minutes afterward. So I am glad that it is not happening yet because I clearly need some more time to mentally prepare. LOL.
Anyway, HAPPY FRIDAY to you all. Hope you have some super fun/exciting plans prepared for the weekend! I may or may not being having a baby so I think we are just going to hang out, do some grocery shopping, a little cleaning and wait and wait and wait some more. :) 

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