Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Still preggo...

Yup, still pregnant for those of you out in cyber space who may be interested. It's not that I am feeling impatient these days, per se. I am more just excited and anxious and ready to be past the anticipation. The longer I have to wait, the more nervous I get. The sooner this happens, the less time I have to stress about all that could go wrong or how BAD this is going to hurt.

I've been reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth lately because, Ina May Gaskin is the midwife of all midwives and she is such a positive reinforcer of strong, beautiful and successful natural childbirth. She has all of these amazing success stories of women who are able to do this incredible job of birthing a human being. So clearly it can be done. Women do it on a daily, hourly basis and billions of people have done it before myself. I just keep telling myself that to avoid the freakout. :)

I had a doctor appointment yesterday and found that I have not changed in dilation/effacement AT ALL. What?? Come on, kid?! I thought all of that membrane-stripping contractions would have done something, but nada. Guess it is time to bust out the reinforcements. Going to take the Evening Primrose Oil, already taking Red Raspberry Tea Leaf and I definitely need to do some more walking and movement. My biggest problem is that I generally sit 80 percent of my day while at work and then lately I get home and I am so tired (and it's dark and cold) so I continue to sit some more. I've been sitting on the exercise ball a lot and I think that helps at least with my pelvis.

Anyway, baby Jack will come when he wants to. I hit the 39 week mark on Thursday (will do my 38 week update before then, I promise!) so it's not like I don't have time still. My doc says he will induce at 41 weeks, but since I want to try and go natural I wanted to avoid having a medical induction.

My last day of work is Friday! Woot! I just hope this kid doesn't take too much longer. I don't want to waste my maternity leave just hanging out by myself at home. lol. But I do have another doctor appointment on Monday and I am sure I will get my membranes stripped again (like I did yesterday) and maybe that will help move things along some more.

Either way, I hope to be holding my baby boy soon! Will keep you all posted :D

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