Wednesday, February 13, 2013

37 weeks - full term!

Finally! Full-term :D I am actually only a few days away from being 38 weeks, but wanted to get in this update before then, just in case I don't get a chance to do my 38-week update. You never know though!

I went to the doctor yesterday. I'm going to be completely honest here. It really bothers me that my doctor never remembers who I am. Doesn't he have to review some patient notes or something before he visits me? He acts like he doesn't remember anything we've discussed the last time I saw him, which is weird because I was JUST there a week ago. Anyway, he wanted to check me again for dilation and says, "let's see if your dilating yet!"

Well, if he remembered who I was, then he would know that I was already dilated because I was at a two last appointment. Gah, frustrating. I know I have had a pretty text-book pregnancy and nothing really remarkable, scary or anything has happened (which I feel VERY fortunate about) it is just annoying that he has no clue who I am. Whatev.

Turns out I am now dilated to a 3! Making progress!! He did end up stripping my membranes, which wasn't as horrific as I was expecting but definitely left me crampy afteward. I had cramps and contractions and some spotting the rest of the evening. Wasn't really sure if the stripping would put me into labor though and since I am now writing this update to you more than 24 hours later, I guess we are safe to say it didn't work. I've had some cramping and some Braxton Hicks contractions today, but none of the real ones like I did yesterday.

Honestly I am not too terribly disappointed that I didn't go into labor yet. As excited as I am to meet my baby boy, I am still kinda nervous about how much my life is going to change. I just hope I am ready. Although it is too late to back out now! lol. I also haven't felt super great the past few days. Been pretty congested and having sore throat issues for a few days now. No other flu symptoms (STAY AWAY) so I am lucking out there. But I would like to feel more in tip-top shape when it comes to delivering this baby.

I also had to take our cat Mimi to the vet on Monday. She has some kind of allergy-caused rash going on. Well, when I tried to put her in the carrier (I was in a hurry), she freaked out and gave me one hell of a scratch.


It's healing, but still really hurts. I think it will feel better in a day or two. Ideally, this baby should come this weekend. It would be awfully conveient. And we all know how babies are all about making their parents' lives more convenient ;)

Pregnancy Stats:

How far along? 37 weeks
Total weight gain: 17 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yup
Stretch marks? Weirdly I got one in between my belly button piercing! Gah, have I already mentioned that? Hopefully when my belly goes back to normal size, it won't be noticable.  
Sleep: Still SUCKS (even worse now with the throat thing.)
Best moment this week: Getting the nursery TOTALLY finished.
Miss Anything: Still miss me some diet soda.
Movement: This week he seems to have slowed down a little compared to last week, but still moving around in there. Definitely getting cramped for space.
Food cravings: Still apples. And candy, which is super terrible.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.

Gender: BOY!

Labor Signs: LOTS. Some too TMI to mention, but overall the contractions and dilating I am experiencing is sign enough that this baby is coming soon!
Symptoms: Lots of peeing, terrible sleep, growing belly bump, severe exhaustion, lower back pain, etc.
Belly Button in or out? Still in.
Wedding rings on or off? Keeping them off even though my fingers aren't always swollen, but I get nervous having to take them off at work if my fingers swell or something. Just safer to keep them off at this point.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Definitely been moodier this week. Getting irritated easily, crying lots.
Looking forward to: Having a baby! 

As far as baby Jack's stats go:
Baby usually weighs about 6 1/3 lbs and measures around 19 inches. He could have lots of hair by now and lungs are developed. That means he is ready to go!

I keep telling him to let me sleep in Saturday morning and then I can go into labor. Think he'll listen?? LOL.

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