Monday, February 4, 2013

Quick update!

I began my weekly doctor visits this week starting with my 36 week appointment today in which I had to get my Group B Strep test done. For those of you who don't know what this is, I will let Google answer that for you and for those of you who do, let's just say I'm glad that is over. While my doc was in that region of my body, he took the liberty of checking my cervix for dilation and effacement!

While I wasn't expecting that, or was at least expecting him to ask me if I wanted checked, I did find out that I am currently 2 cm dilated and 50 percent effaced! I know the dilation doesn't mean much at this point, but already have effaced at 36 weeks is a good sign that baby boy is not going to drag this pregnancy out much further than it needs to.

My doctor said he would like the baby to stay in there at least one more week, but after that, he is happy to let him come at anytime. He mentioned stripping my membranes at my next appointment! I don't know why he is so eager, but honestly I am fine with letting Baby S come when he is good and ready (as long as it isn't past 40 weeks!)

It's not that I am not excited to meet my precious baby boy, and some days all I want to do is have him in my arms, I just know that my world is about to change forever. In mostly good ways I am sure, but it's going to be different. And that still scares me. I need more time to mentally prepare for it all! LOL. Sure, I've had nine months, but a few more weeks isn't too much to ask for, right?

Be sure to remind me of this post in about two weeks when the baby still isn't here and I am dying in agony from the increasing pressure in my cervix and begging someone to get him out of me!!

I still have a few prep things to get done too before he comes. Like, pack my hospital bag. I half did that over the weekend. Woohoo! Go me. We also still need to assemble the crib, finalize the nursery, get my breast pump ordered, etc. Hoping to have all of that done this week. Then we will be good to go!

I've been continuing to have some contractions today, nothing too intense, but I know all of this is just preparing my body for the baby to make his debut! Fortunately baby is super head down, doc said he could feel his head. Not that I needed the doctor to tell me that. The bolts of lighting I feel in my cervix area every now and again are reminder enough, thank you very much!

Baby also seems to be in the optimal position for delivery. Butt up, head super down low and facing toward my spine. Good job, little one! Locked and loaded, ready to go! lol.

Anyway, I also continued my search for a daycare provider today. That is really stressing me out. Whew! Will be glad when we have that figured out.

Check back later this week when I have my 37 week update and hopefully my post on my hospital bag packing fun :D

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