Saturday, February 2, 2013

36 weeks and other stuff

We are almost at full-term!! Holy cow! Even though we are getting more prepared by the day, I still can't help but feel a little bit of anxiety about how our lives are about to change. I feel like you are never really  100 percent ready to become a parent until you are thrown under the stroller, so to speak.

I do feel a little more prepared now that we've taken our childbirth prep class, I took the breast feeding class, we have all of the baby clothes washed and hung up. Blankets/towels, etc. also all washed and put away. We still need to assemble the crib. We need to make sure the furniture in the nursery is arranged to our liking and also need to install the car seat. Tonight I am going to finish putting together my hospital bag, which will then be placed in my car just in case I go into labor at work (please no!!)

I have this huge fear that I am going to be out on an assignment or sitting in someone really important's office and then my water is going to break. How embarrassing would that be?? At least I can take comfort in the fact that the majority of women never experience their water breaking like that and know they are in labor with contractions beforehand.

As much as I want to be holding my baby boy in my arms right now, I am also not really in a huge hurry for him to get here. I figure I need these last few weeks to mentally prepare and get everything in order. I am mighty uncomfortable these days. The pelvic pain really hurts! That means he has dropped though, so moving according to schedule! Sleep sucks and I am constantly hungry but because I am so full of baby, I can never eat very much. All in all though, I am at peace with waiting. I know some women get down to these last weeks and get super impatient and just want to be in the baby-holding end of delivery. I am perfectly content to wait until baby boy is ready to arrive.

And when he does arrive, I have this ADORABLE outfit ready to take him home in! Isn't it so cute? :D I love me some baby clothes. haha.

I think our animals are starting to feel like something is going on too because they have all been ridiculously needy lately. My cat Mimi (the only other female in the house aside from myself) won't leave my belly alone. Everytime I am sitting down, she HAS to climb up on my lap. Well, my lap is running out of space due to expanding belly, so this is how she's been making do lately. 

Sorry about the bare belly shot, but I like to see the baby's movements when I am lying there so I usually have my shirt up. LOL. 

Speaking of my belly. I feel HUGE these days, but when I tell people how far along I am, they always say I look small. LOL. Not going to complain about that one. I know whenever I go to the doc, my belly is always measuring right on, so I am sure I am growing just fine.

Let's move on to the preggo update, shall we?

Pregnancy Stats:

How far along? 36 weeks
Total weight gain: 15 lbs. 
Maternity clothes? Yup 
Stretch marks? No NEW ones :) 
Sleep: SUCKS
Best moment this week:  Getting the nursery almost finished. 
Miss Anything? Diet soda. 
Movement: He still feels like he is going to try and break out of my belly every time he moves. He's definitely running out of room. 
Food cravings: Still apples. And other sweet/fruity things. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not too bad this week.  
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: I had some crazy bad contractions on Monday. They were frequent but didn't intensify so I didn't go into labor and delivery, but I almost did.   
Symptoms: Lots of peeing, terrible sleep, growing belly bump, severe exhaustion, lower back pain, etc. 
Belly Button in or out? Still in.
Wedding rings on or off? on most of the time, unless my fingers swell at night.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Overall happy. 
Looking forward to: Getting to do my post on a FINISHED nursery :D  

As far as the baby's development and progress goes, here is a little update on Baby S:

Most of the bones (aside from his soft skull for delivery) are completely hardened and birth-ready. 
Baby's muscle tone is also improving!
Baby weighs about 5.5 to 6 lbs and is 19 inches long. 

Keep in mind, that is average. I have to wonder how much he'll actually weigh. I was a full-term 40 week baby and I only weighed a little over 5 lbs and was 18 inches long. So I guess we'll find out in a few weeks! I just hope I am not going to be pushing out a 9-pounder. LOL. 

In other news, I got a flat tire this week. I am not happy about it since I ended up having to replace two tires (cause they got to match. Did get a deal on trading in my other tire though.)

And this is why you don't run over nails, kids. 

Hope you all are having a fantastic weekend!

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