Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Holy contractions and false alarms

Welp, if you know me IRL (in real life, for those of you not in the "know" of Internet lingo) you also know that I am still more pregnant than ever. Just ask the checkout ladies at any grocery store I have been to in the past week. They'll tell you just how large and uncomfortable I look these days. Thanks, ladies.

Anywhoo. I had my 39 week appointment with my doctor yesterday. He again, stripped my membranes. I decided to go "window" shopping at Target afterward so I could do some walking around and really get things going. This was a success. Started having pretty consistent contractions and I also managed to score me three tops on clearance and some yoga pants on sale. Score!

After that I decided to continue my window shopping at Barnes and Noble while I waited for Daniel to get a lunch break so we could go to lunch together. Did I mention I am officially on "maternity leave" starting this week? Yeah, I totally thought the baby would be here by now. But oh well. Now I just have nothing better to do with my day then try my hardest to get labor going.

By the time Daniel took me to lunch at Bucca Di Peppo. (YUM!) I was having contractions a solid 4-5 min apart. I got so excited I told Daniel that he would not be returning to work and we would instead be going to the hospital to have a baby. Oh the cluelessness of a first-time mom.

We both head back home (which is 30 min away from the hospital) to continue timing contractions, get our stuff ready (ie. Daniel hadn't packed his hospital bag yet). Then they started getting pretty painful and intense. I figured, NOW IT IS TIME!

Off we go. During the 30 minute drive to the hospital, I had 4 contractions so they were starting to space farther apart but at this point I figured we might as well just go in and see what was going on. Get there and they hook me up to the fetal heart monitor and my contraction monitor. The nurse was super nice and understanding but I'll admit, she looked at me like she knew from the moment we walked in that she would be sending me home. They monitored my contractions for an hour although I was laying there the entire time. I think it would have helped to keep things going had I continued to walk around, but oh well. Needless to say, they spaced out far enough and I didn't have enough cervical change for them to warrant me staying there so they sent me home.

In consolation Daniel took me to Dairy Queen for dinner. So that was something at least.

Today I am still having lots of contractions but no clue if they are doing anything or not. Some are painful but they basically told me to wait to go into the hospital again until they are so painful I can't walk/talk or if my water breaks. It would be super nice for my water to break just because then there would be no question.

The other downside to not going into labor quite yet is that my doctor will unlikely be able to deliver my baby. He is leaving to go on his trip tomorrow and won't be back until Monday. I have my 40 week appt on Tuesday and then he leaves to go on another trip that Friday. If I am still pregnant by then, he wants to induce me, but I was really hoping to avoid induction. Either way though, I will have my baby by next Thursday at least! So I guess we'll just have to see what happens. I will keep you all posted!

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