Thursday, February 28, 2013

40 Weeks and Due Date

Today is my official due date! Guess I am falling in line with the statistics as a first-time mom going over her due date because I am still hugely pregnant and getting bigger by the day. I am trying all kinds of fun things to help get this baby going. If you live in my neck of the woods and saw a hugely pregnant woman out walking around, that was probably me. Walking and walking got some contractions going but nothing too substantial just yet. In the meantime, I guess you all get to see my 40 week update!! Let's just really hope you won't have to see a 41 because no one is going to want to see that.

In addition to working at getting this baby out like it's my job, I am taking advantage of not working, which is a lot less relaxing than I expected. You'd think I'd be taking soaking up this time without a baby and without having to work, but it's tough to focus on relaxing all day when your mind is so focused on having a baby. However I did manage to get in a little primp time. Did mah nails. :)

I also did my toenails but since that was an act of heroics at this point you guys won't be graced with any photos of that hack job. LOL.

I also got the cradle totally ready to go. We are keeping the baby in the cradle in our bedroom for the next few months since the nursery is actually located clear across the house and while we are just getting used to having a baby and I'll be nursing so it's probably not a good idea to have him so far away in the beginning. 

Now, let's do hopefully the LAST (you hear that, baby?) pregnancy update. 

Pregnancy Stats:

How far along? 40 weeks
Total weight gain: 20 lbs. 
Maternity clothes? Yup and yoga pants. Love those. 
Stretch marks? Still no new ones.
Sleep: Surprisingly getting a little better. I have an awesome hubby who has been rubbing my hips before I go to bed and they don't hurt all night anymore. 
Best moment this week: NOT WORKING! 
Miss Anything? My body.
Movement: Less than the past few weeks but I hear that it is common as the baby drops lower. 
Food cravings: Nothing too specific. Just food. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.  
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Every single sign that indicates a woman could be going into labor soon. Just wish the real deal would actually happen.
Symptoms: .More peeing than ever. Lots of cramping/contractions, breast tenderness is back and lots of swelling in my feet and legs.
Belly Button in or out? Still in.
Wedding rings on or off? Still off. So swollen. Everywhere. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Overall happy, but I'll admit, feeling discouraged that this baby is not more eager to meet the world. 
Looking forward to: Having a BABYYY!!!

My sister Kelly and her husband Jason and their two adorable little boys are coming to visit this weekend too. I was really hoping that baby Jack would be here to meet them by then, but not so far. Guess he might decide to make an appearance while they are here! That would be nice. :) In fact, last year about this time (St. Patty's Day to be exact) we were visiting Kelly when she went into labor with Patrick, so it would be pretty awesome timing if we could work it that way. lol. Either way, I am just so excited for this baby boy to make his debut :D I'll keep you posted!!

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