Monday, January 28, 2013

What I learned this weekend about childbirth

As promised, here is a post summarizing our experience at the hospital's prepare childbirth class on Sautrday.

It was good overall. Not sure if it was $50 good, but good nonetheless to learn more about the hospital and its practices. I have been well aware of the benefits of low-intervention birthing techniques for a long time now, so no surprises there. But I did learn that the hospital and doctors that deliver there are totally on board with that sort of thing.

They are extremely pro natural child birth, do not do episiotomies (very often, unless medically necessary), have birthing tubs you can labor in, can use heplock IV systems and so much more that made having birth there much more my style than I was originally expecting. I was worried that I was going to have to fight for a bunch of what I wanted like Skin-to-Skin, delayed cord clamping, baby staying with me instead of going to the nursery, etc. 
The delivery rooms are also really nice! So that is encouraging. They don't seem like typical hospital rooms at all. I am excited!! Well for all of that. Not super looking forward to all of the pain and "discomfort" as they like to call it of actually pushing a tiny human out of somewhere that I cannot imagine ever getting big enough to allow such a thing to happen. 
Daniel did great! I could tell there were times when he was super bored and would have preferred to be at home playing Dota 2 or something, but he was a good sport about it and even asked some questions. I even think he handled watching the child birthing video better than I did. LOL. That was pretty gross, not gonna lie. I get that life is a miracle and everything, but crowning and watching a woman deliver her afterbirth is something I would just rather not see even with my own upcoming delivery. No mirror for me, thankyouverymuch. I figure with the afterbirth part of it, I will likely be so enamored by my precious little baby boy that I won't even notice what is going on. That is my hope anyway :) 
All in all it was definitely informative, even if I knew a lot of the info anyway. Always good to have a refresher on that sort of thing especially weeks before I deliver. I feel a lot more confident about everything going into it now. Not that I was really all that worried before because for some reason I haven't been stressing much about this whole delivery concept. But now I am really not worried. I just know that I am going to need to trust my body and see how things go! 

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