Sunday, January 13, 2013

Born To Be Wild!!

Based on this kid's in-utero movement, I am pretty sure he fits the description of Born to Be Wild, which was also coincidentally the theme chosen for my baby shower! My mother in law and good friend Evie put on the shin dig yesterday afternoon and it was seriously the best baby shower I've ever been to. (not that I am biased or anything, but seriously, it rocked!)

My sisters Nicki and Kelly were supposed to come from Salt Lake City for the shower, but they were unable to make it because of the INSANE winter snow storm they got Thursday night that continued clear throughout Saturday. I was really bummed they weren't able to make it. My sisters and I are all really close so it was sad they couldn't come. We're planning on doing some other kind of get together though at a later date.

As for the shower, we had a great time! My mother in law and Evie both really kicked this out of the park. The decorations were adorable and the games were super fun! I can't always say that about the games at showers I've been to in the past, but everyone seemed to have a good time. Now for the photos. Be warned, there are LOTS. So if you don't like pics, scroll down in a hurry because I am going to let the pictures speak for me in this post.

Tasty cupcake cake! So cute :) 


Me looking fancy fance before gorging my face full of yummy foods and treats. 

Me and my mama :)
Me and my other mom (MIL, Christy. aka the wonderful woman behind the making of the BEST BABY SHOWER EVER!) 

Evie and Shelly. Evie is the other half to the amazing team that put on my shower! Woot! Thankful for good friends :) Shelly and I used to work together (along with Evie and my MIL) when I worked at a bank. 

Liz and her grand daughter Kaitlyn. Liz and I also used to work at the bank together. 
SIL Holly, me and Nina (and Nina's adorbs little man, Ryker) 

Me and Holly. 

Me and SIL Genelle.

Grandma Dorothy (Dan's Step Grandma), SSIL Carrie and Grandma Shelly (Dan's grandma) 

My granny, SIL Chauney and Kaitlyn. 

Present opening! This baby boy got super spoiled! 

Mister Ryker helping me unwrap gifts. It was super cute! lol. 

On our way home, we filled my car to the brim with all of the awesome presents we got and then my grandma took passenger side while my mom briefly sidelined her claustrophobia to sit in the back with even more gifts and ALL OF THE BALLOONS. It was hysterical. She was covered in balloons. Almost had a heart attack when two of them popped. LOL. And for a lady with a heart condition, that was kinda scary. But it all worked out in the end. 

Also wanted to include the picture of the AMAZINGGGG diaper cake that my sister Kelly made me. She sent the picture after not being able to make it. I am sure this kid will still get his usage out of it though :) She's really talented with these cakes. 

I am super bummed it is all over and done with now because I had a great time! My parents left today to head back home, and it very well could be the last time they see me as a gigantic preggo before Baby S arrives. So weird to think about! We are nearing 6 weeks left. 

Check back in the next few days for my next pregnancy stats update. :D

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