Sunday, January 6, 2013

32 Weeks

Wow, 8 weeks left! It's a good thing, because I am starting to enter the very uncomfortable stages of pregnancy. And if I am uncomfortable, I can only imagine that little man is getting super uncomfortable too all squished up in there. I am feeling less kicks these days and more squirming around probably because he barely has room to kick. lol. I totally missed 31 weeks, but it's been pretty similar to now. Just happy to be in the single digit weeks now! It seems shorter to me to say only 8 weeks left! Than it is to say, I still have two months. LOL.

Anyway, let's move on to the preggo stats for the week!

Pregnancy Stats:

How far along? 32 weeks
Total weight gain: 11 lbs. 
Maternity clothes? Yup 
Stretch marks? Still no luckily.  
Sleep: Better! My mother in law got me a boppy body pillow and it has been HEAVEN!! It's made a world of difference. Very amazing gift. 
Best moment this week:  Working on the nursery and organizing baby clothes. Almost getting there!
Miss Anything? Being able to eat food without getting heartburn. 
Movement: Like I said, it's still lots of movement, but different. Less kicks and more bumps and squirming. Kind of weird feeling. LOL. 
Food cravings: Back to the apples. And juice.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, been good.  
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Nope.  
Symptoms: Lots of peeing, terrible sleep, growing belly bump, severe exhaustion, lower back pain, etc. 
Belly Button in or out? Still in but stretching into this gaping hole. VERY weird! 
Wedding rings on or off? on, but I have to take them off at night because of swelling. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy lately. 
Looking forward to: My baby shower next week!

So excited to have my baby shower next week. My MIL and one of my friends from where I used to work are throwing it for me. They are so awesome. I cannot wait to see how it all turns out. I promise to take lots of pics to share. I also have a doctor appointment this week on Tuesday. It's the start of my every two week appointments. Crazy to think I am there already. Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend and are looking forward to a good week! I have to admit, I am glad the holidays are over. It's nice having time off work and stuff, but I really think my job is a lot easier when people are actually in their offices working. It will be good to get back to the grind. 

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