Saturday, January 19, 2013

34 Weeks!

Continuing in the same fashion as the rest of my pregnancy has been going (thankfully!) I am through another week (actually two if you noticed I missed 33 weeks) of gestation. I try to enjoy every moment of this pregnancy, but patience has never really been my thing. I am just getting more excited by the day to have this baby boy in my arms. Feeling him wiggle around in my belly is cool too, but getting to touch his soft skin, little toes and see if he looks more like me or like Daniel is just too much anticipation! Plus, getting to hang out with my baby boy for three months straight and not having to go to work during that time is going to be HEAVEN! Going back to work is going to be very interesting I think!

Anyway, moving on. So hope you all enjoyed my post about last week's baby shower, and if you were in attendance don't worry, I am getting thank you cards sent out soon! I am sooo incredibly grateful for the generosity of everyone there. This baby boy is SUPER lucky. He's pretty much set for life (well, the first few months anyway.)

Today I went and had a lunch baby shower with two of my friends from work. Sadly, I didn't get any pics, but I can attest that we all had a good time. Both are ladies that are fairly new to The Spectrum, but they are awesome and we have all clicked so well both work wise and friendship wise, so that has been pretty cool.

I also did a little craft shopping for baby boy today and got some wooden letters that I am going to figure out how to hang or mount or something in the nursery probably tomorrow when I tackle that room again.

Hint hint at baby's first and middle initials!

Now moving on to the progress side of things.

Pregnancy Stats:

How far along? 34 weeks
Total weight gain: 13 lbs. (so far sticking with the one pound per week weight gain. Woot!)
Maternity clothes? Yup 
Stretch marks? Ummm well... No NEW stretch marks per se. But I have noticed that a few that I had on my sides from puberty are starting to look a little red at the top instead of the white they faded to years ago. So I am thinking that they are just expanding a little more. That much I can handle. Just PLEASE stay away from the front of my belly! 
Sleep: The heartburn is killing me. I have to sleep with at least two pillows and even then I've had some rough nights. Gross nights. More TMI than I am willing to share (your welcome.) 
Best moment this week:  My work shower today :) 
Miss Anything? My body being just MINE (not that it was all that great to begin with honestly) 
Movement: Yup. Some are pretty violent and freaky. Feels like he is going to rip through my belly at any moment. LOL
Food cravings: Still apples. ALL OF THE APPLES. And Root Beer for some reason. Anyone else ever crave that while pregnant? I am not craving soda in general, just Root Beer. Weird. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Yes. The nausea is back. Not nearly as bad as first trimester, but having all of my organs shoved up is causing some major nausea sometimes and the heartburn is KILLER.  
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Yeah. Some cramping and Braxton Hicks. All just practice for the big day!  
Symptoms: Lots of peeing, terrible sleep, growing belly bump, severe exhaustion, lower back pain, etc. 
Belly Button in or out? Still in.
Wedding rings on or off? on most of the time, unless my fingers swell at night.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Overall happy. 
Looking forward to: FINALLY getting the nursery done. This is a project I've dragged out far too long. 

As far as the baby's development and progress goes, here is a little update on Baby S:

Baby is now about 18 inches long and weighs about 5.25 lbs. 
Fat accumulation continues and is pumping up the arms and legs.
Eyes are open when awake and closed when sleeping.
The fingernails are now completely formed. 

Wow, it is sure crazy to think that there is a pretty much almost fully-developed human being inside of me. Very cool and weird at the same time! lol. Until next time, blog readers. Ta ta! 

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