Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas recap

It is so tough to believe that this year was our last year just the two of us for Christmas in our little family. Obviously we will always try to celebrate with our own parents and siblings if we can, but next year we will be toting along a little 9-month old baby boy! So crazy to think about.

I am officially down to the single digit week countdown, only 9 weeks or so until this little guy arrives. (really hoping to avoid the "or so" part. I'd love it if the little guy could just come maybe like a week early. I think I would be okay with that :)

I hope all of you had fabulous Christmases this year and are looking forward to a happy New Year! We don't have anything planned yet to ring in 2013, and whatever we come up with probably won't be very exciting. Being preggo kind of puts a damper on the whole staying up past 10 p.m. thing. LOL.

For Christmas this year, my parents, sister and brother came here to visit since I live in a town just a few minutes away from my grandparents (maternal side) so it was fun to have the whole gang here. Some of my cousins and aunt and uncle from Cedar City also came on the day before Christmas Eve to have lunch too, and that was a good time.

If you follow me on Facebook, you've probably already seen a lot of these photos but I want to share with all of you anyway.

My sister Nicki with her dog Peyton and boyfriend Richard opening presents on Christmas morning. 

Daniel and I so excited to open presents!

Nicki and our brother Rusty

Silly face. 

Nap time. Christmas is rough on the adults. 

Daniel and I also took some fun shots in my grandparent's back yard so I could showcase my pregnancy a little bit. We aren't planning on shelling out the big bucks for maternity photos so this was just a fun unofficial photo shoot. 

Keep your eyes peeled in the next day or two to see my 31 pregnancy update! Wishing you all continued happy holidays!!

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