Saturday, December 22, 2012

30 Weeks, Ho! Ho! Ho!

These days my belly feels as full as Santa Claus' probably does after eating millions of houses worth of cookies on Christmas Eve. Can't believe I've gotten 30 down weeks already! Time continues to fly :) Some weeks are slower than others, but this one is going by super quick. Probably because of my over-stress to get ready for Christmas. My parents and brother will be here in the morning, followed by my little sister and her boyfriend tomorrow night.

I also finally got my Christmas decorating done around the house! Took a few pics, but they turned out terrible. I am going to share them with you anyway because it's my blog and I can ;)

Went for the simple look this year on a fake tree. Nice and easy :D 

My hutch with our stockings, nativity and mini Christmas tree. (Sorry 'bout the glare.)

And now moving on to the pregnancy portion of tonight's blog entry. 

10 weeks left!! (give or take a week or two depending on if little man is stubborn like his mama or eager like his daddy.) 

30 Weeks! (Ignore my tired face. This is after hours of cleaning. Hey, at least I showered and did my hair. lol) 

Pregnancy Stats:

How far along? 30 weeks
Total weight gain: 10 lbs. 
Maternity clothes? Yup or maxi dresses :) 
Stretch marks? Nope.  
Sleep: Let's not talk about it... :/ 
Best moment this week:  Christmas shopping for my family and hubs! Can't wait to see them open their gift.  
Miss Anything? Being able to breathe like a normal human. 
Movement: Still lots, but there are some days when he slows down. Wonder if he is starting to run out of room in there. 
Food cravings: Oranges. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Occasionally certain foods set me off
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Just the ole Braxton Hicks. 
Symptoms: Lots of peeing, terrible sleep, growing belly bump, severe exhaustion, lower back pain, etc. 
Belly Button in or out? Still in. 
Wedding rings on or off? on, but I have noticed that my fingers are getting more and more susceptible to swelling. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Depends on the day. Daniel is a good sport :)   
Looking forward to: Spending the holidays with my family :D Crazy to think this will be our last Christmas without children!!

I also had a dr. appointment this week. My fundal height was right on 29 weeks (was still 29 weeks at the time) so that means baby is measuring on and it means that I haven't gained too much weight, which is a relief considering Christmas treats were aplenty at my work this week. Eeep! Everything else looked good too and my doc wants to meet with me again in two more weeks. So I guess this means I am starting the every 2 week appointment schedule until I get into the last month and then I hit the every week schedule. Time is certainly winding down! I'm not complaining though. Can't wait to have this little guy in my arms, although there are definitely some fun sides to getting to carry him around with me though. haha! 

Happy Holidays to all you blog folk out there. Thanks for reading :) 

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