Thursday, December 6, 2012

27/28 weeks

Happy Thursday, friends!!

By the time you all read this, it's probably Friday, which is even better than Thursday :) I am officially celebrating 28 weeks of pregnancy this week. I am also feeling bigger than ever before! Remember a few weeks ago when I said that I wanted to have a big ole' preggo belly, but that I would probably regret saying that? Well I know myself pretty well cause that is definitely the case. I love that I finally actually look pregnant, but everything else about it is something to get used to. Like being able to sleep well or having all of my organs squished up so far inside of me that that heartburn refuses to relent. Gah. Despite all of the discomfort, however it's all worth it for this little guy. But since I am growing a human, I fully reserve to right to complain a little bit ;)

I also took my glucose test this week! Bring on the super sugary flat Sprite. Well that is what it tasted like anyway. I've never obviously had the other flavors though but it actually wasn't too bad. Not that I would drink it for fun by any means, but It wasn't so bad.

Bottoms up!

Oh, did I mention I passed the test? Woot! I was a little nervous. My Lucky Charms intake has been a little more than it should be lately. 

Let's move on to to the stats part of tonight's program!

Pregnancy Stats: (combining weeks since I missed last week. oops!) 

How far along? 27/28 weeks
Total weight gain: 9 lbs (net weight gain total, since I lost weight in the first tri) 
Maternity clothes? Yup. 
Stretch marks? Nope.  
Sleep: Still not great. Getting more used to functioning on lesser sleep though. All preparation for a newborn, I suppose.  
Best moment this week:  Passing my glucose test!
Miss Anything? Sleep. 
Movement: Lots. Mostly at nighttime. I have a little night owl apparently.  
Food cravings: Cereal :) 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Lots of Braxton Hicks this week. Probably because I was on my feet so much for work one day. 
Symptoms: Lots of peeing, terrible sleep, growing belly bump, exhaustion, lower back pain, etc. 
Belly Button in or out? Still in but it's stretching. 
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy. 
Looking forward to: Putting together the nursery furniture this weekend. It's our big goal :) 

In other baby related news, I went on Monday to the doctor to have another ultrasound and found out that my placenta continues to be low lying, however, it's move to the side of my cervix meaning it is out of the way so I should be good to have a regular vaginal delivery. yay! Just the news I was hoping for. 

I also have started searching for daycare facilities. Since I don't get to be a stay at home mom or even a work at home mom for the time being, I am going to have to take my little guy to daycare, which breaks my heart into a million pieces just thinking about it. But it's life and I don't really have another option right now. So to make myself feel better, I want to make sure I am choosing the best of the best in daycare centers in town. I went to one today and really liked it. A little messy, but it was clean. The kids and babies all seemed super happy and it's literally a two-minute drive from my work, so I can drop by anytime and see him. I like the idea of him being so close to my work. It's a little bit on the more expensive side than I was expecting though, so I am keeping my options open. 

Hopefully here in a few days I will have some nursery progress pics to share with you all! Have a great Friday!!

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