Tuesday, November 27, 2012

WWP and other randoms

Referring to my blog title, WWP is a little acronym for Working While Pregnant. I realize that millions upon millions of women throughout the world are able to work while pregnant, but today, my brain is just NOT working. Hence why I am currently blogging instead of working on one of my two articles I am writing for tomorrow. See, due to this unfortunate case of WWP, I cannot concentrate. At all. My brain is fried and unfortunately I am only mid-way through my work day. My apologies go out to my local readers of The Spectrum because my stories for tomorrow are far away from anything resembling my best work. The least I can hope for is that they make sense.

I blame my poor reaction to WWP on my not-so-great sleep. Not only am I coping with growing a human being, who thinks it is cool to become most active during the night hours, but I have an aging dog, whose needs are becoming more and more frequent, if you know what I mean. Potty time at 5 a.m. followed by struggles to get back to sleep, followed by entering REM 20 minutes before my alarm goes off in the morning, is really sucking my life force these days. I suppose on the bright side, this is just giving me a touch of what life as a mom with a newborn will be like.

Anyone else experience severe pregnancy brain while WWP?? Any advice? Cause I am seriously struggling.

Other randoms: I went to the doc yesterday and had an ultra sound done to determine if the placenta, which is low lying, has moved enough to allow the baby save passage vaginally during delivery without causing me to hemorrhage. While the placenta is still really low, it is out of the way of the cervix, so I *should* be good to go ahead with my plans to deliver naturally, but they'll just have to keep an eye on things. Everything else at my appointment looked great. Little man is officially no longer breech, which really surprised me because I am feeling some heavy movements down lower and I thought for sure those were kicks, but apparently baby boy just packs quite the punch. But now I do know why my ribs are so sore... Ouch!

In other news, I can still see my feet when I look down. Belly doesn't quite cover my toes yet. I keep telling myself it is because I am not that huge yet, but in reality it's probably just because I have big feet.

Evidence my feet still exist from downward view.

Well, I should get back to work now I suppose. Thanks everyone for joining me on this nice respite from my regularly scheduled responsibilities. Hope you are all having a great week!

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