Saturday, November 24, 2012

26 weeks!

I know I say this every week, but I feel like time is flying!! With Thanksgiving just behind us, the next few weeks are going to fly by to Christmas and we'll be down to two months left in no time! Not that I am complaining. I know people say to really enjoy your pregnancy, and I do, I just can't wait to hold this amazing baby boy in my arms. 

I feel like I look A LOT bigger this week, compared to last. Eeep! Too much turkey???

Preggo stats: 

How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain: 4 lbs (net weight gain total, since I lost weight in the first tri) 
Maternity clothes? Yup. All day every day. That and sweats. lol. 
Stretch marks? Still glad to report no on this one.  
Sleep: I am finally getting used to sleeping on my sides, so that is good. Just mostly feel like our queen size bed is getting smaller by the day. That is partly because of my growing baby bump, but it is also partly because Daniel thinks it's cool to sleep on MY pillow. In the middle of the bed. Awesome. 
Best moment this week:  Getting Thursday off of work for Thanksgiving. We went and spent it with my in-laws. Had lots of delish foods and fell into the infamous food coma afterward. 
Miss Anything? Sleep. 
Movement: Every day I feel him move more and more, I swear. He is most active at night and during the night. It's gotten to the point where I wake up during the middle of the night because baby boy apparently felt like it was a good idea to throw a dance party in my belly. 
Food cravings: Apples. Seriously. I ate like 20 apples this week.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: No labor but still having a few Braxton Hicks here and there. They are getting better than last week though.   
Symptoms: Lots of peeing, terrible sleep, growing belly bump, exhaustion, lower back pain, etc. 
Belly Button in or out? Still in (although I have to point out that it looks like I have an outie from my pic above. That is just because I am still wearing my belly button ring. Going to trade it out here soon for one of the maternity style ones.) 
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Got pretty emotional a time or two this week. A guy was rude to me on the phone on Black Friday when I was trying to write my story and it almost made me cry. No joke. Then I got home and found a package from an amazing friend that was filled to the brim with amazing baby stuffs. That did make me cry. It was awesome. 
Looking forward to: Finishing the nursery. We actually did some work on it last weekend so now all of the non-nursery stuff (aside from my massive book collection, that's staying cause I have nowhere else for those to go right now) is out of there. I would like to get it all done before Christmas because right now there is crib parts and stuff all over the room and we use that room for guests too. Since my parents and brother and sister are coming for the holidays, it would be nice to get some of that assembled. 

I am also looking forward to our appointment on Monday because we are having another ultra sound to find out if my low-lying placenta has moved. It has to move away enough from my cervix or it won't be safe for me to have a vaginal delivery, lest I hemmorhage and possibly bleed to death. However, my doc seemed really optimistic that it would be out of the way, so hopefully it is. It's also another awesome opportunity to get to see our baby boy!! Cannot wait. :D Hopefully I will have some fun ultra sound pics to share on Monday. 

Hope you all are enjoying the holiday weekend and cashing in on all kinds of online deals right now! 

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