Thursday, November 22, 2012


There are sooo many things I have to be thankful for this year. If I listed all of them, this blog post would be too ridiculous to read. But I did want to share a few things I am thankful for with all of you.

First, my amazing family:

My husband, my baby, my parents, my in-laws, my sisters, my grandparents and my brothers. There are so many more great family members and friends in my life too. I sure was blessed when I was chosen for this great family.

And because this is a blog focused on the child I am currently growing inside of me, I have to say that I have some extra to be thankful for this year. This is a blessing that I truly never take for granted. Sure I might complain about the three months of straight nausea I had in the beginning or the lack of decent sleep I seem to be dealing with now. But I would do all of those things over and over again if it means that I am fortunate enough to take home my happy and healthy baby boy at the end of this. There are so many who have never gotten to feel this incredible blessing and wish for it every single day. I know how blessed I am and how much this means to myself and to Daniel and to the future of our own growing family. It's so crazy to think that this time next year I will have an amazing son to enjoy this holiday with, watching him play, watching him eat and grow and learn about the world. I just cannot wait. For now though, I am happy to sit back and enjoy every movement I feel him make inside of me (even when he uses my rib cage for practice as a future champion boxer.)

Hope you all have a happy and safe Thanksgiving Holiday. Many blessings to you and yours during this wonderful time of year :D

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