Saturday, November 3, 2012

Blogging fail and 23 weeks preggo!

I completely missed doing a 22 week update, but fortunately 22 weeks is not all that different than 23 weeks has been.

So let's get to the update already!!

I feel like I actually look pregnant and not just like I ate wayyy too much ice cream (which I did :D) 

Pregnancy stats:

How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain: 9 lbs. I am officially at my weight from the day I found out I was pregnant so I made up for the weight I lost in the first trimester basically. 
Maternity clothes? Mostly maternity and leggings and larger shirts/sweaters 
Stretch marks? Thank heavens none yet. 
Sleep: Still awful. Woke up at 7:30 this morning even though it's Saturday and I totally could have slept in, but couldn't cause my hips hurt so ridiculously bad. Urgg.
Best moment this week: Ordering the nursery bedding set!
Miss Anything? Taking a lot hot bubble bath....ahhhh
Movement: Yep, lots. LOVE IT. 
Food cravings: Umm the aforementioned ice cream mostly. :D 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. 
Gender: Still a little man!
Labor Signs: Not labor per say, but I have had some Braxton Hicks contractions. My doc said it's pretty normal starting now.  
Symptoms: Lots of peeing, terrible sleep, growing belly bump, exhaustion, lower back pain, etc. 
Belly Button in or out? Still in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: This week mostly happy despite it being a hellish work week. 
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery bedding, so we can get it all set up! 

As I mentioned above, we got the nursery bedding ordered. I did it on a whim today actually because it was $40 off online Babies R' Us from when I originally put it on my registry. Couldn't pass up the deal, so hopefully we will get it in the next week or two! Woot :D 

I know the owl theme is super popular right now, but I love it and honestly I don't care. Frankly, my baby isn't even going to care, so I figure I might as well choose something I really like. Plus it is really gender neutral, so if baby #2 (if we are so lucky, or still want more babies. lol) ends up being a girl, we can reuse it along with a lot of the other nursery stuff. 

As I've mentioned before, we already have a TON of stuff that has been given to us. So far we have a crib, a cradle and a bassinet because apparently all three are totally necessary. I figure the crib is an heirloom item and we will use that in our room while the baby is still little. We'll keep the bassinet upstairs for naps during the day and the crib likely won't get used until he is a little older. It's probably totally unnecessary to have all that stuff, but it was all given to us, so I don't feel bad as we didn't spend any money!

Hope you all are having a fabulous weekend. I know I am! The news fairy was a total jerk this week and I had to cover some pretty heavy stories (homicide, teacher allegedly molesting students, poverty and a mismanaged funds scandal with the school district.) I was so ready for this week to be over. I needed a break considering next week is elections and that is going to be CRAZY city covering all of the state and local elections. Plus, I'm super nervous at how the presidential election could turn out. One way, I'm happy. If it turns the other way, I may just lose it. 

Eep! Let's all hope and pray that the election turns out well in favor for the majority of Americans, shall we?

Happy weekend :D 

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