Saturday, September 22, 2012

One Tree Hill sights and sounds.

So prepare for a cheeseball post if I haven't made one yet (which I have, so you all should be used to my cheesiness by now. lol) I am a HUGE One Tree Hill fan. I grew up watching the show, starting with the very first episode and never stopped, despite some of the show's hiccups along the way like whatthecraphappened to Lucas and Peyton?? Obviously I know the behind-the-show story, but it was poorly explained in the show. Whatevs. Moving on! When we were picking a vacation spot, I had fallen in love with North Carolina in large part because of the show. So we decided when we went on our trip that Wilmington would be a big part of our trip. For those of you who have no clue what I am talking about, the fictional town of Tree Hill, NC is actually Wilmington, NC, which has played host to many shows and movies throughout the years including part of A Walk to Remember and Dawson's Creek. OTH became one of its most well-known filming projects.

Now that the show has wrapped, when we went lots of the sets were no longer standing, but we still visited a few of my favorite spots from the show. Join me on a a picture tour of Tree Hill whydonchya!

The house where Lucas Scott and his mother Karen Roe lived. 

Karen's Cafe in the pilot of the show.

Karen's Cafe and the Clothes Over Bros store.

The Reel Cafe. Aka Carl's Crab Shack from season 2.

Across the Cape Fear River to the River Court, or where the River Court used to be.

The home of Brooke Davis. Couldn't get a head on shot because of the sun behind the house. Still beautiful home and neighborhood though!!

River Walk. This was used in tons of filming scenes and in the background you can kind of see where Tric is located. 

Felix and Anna's house from season 2. Located right next door to Brooke's house.

"Always and Forever" <3 A table like the one in season one where Haley starts tutoring Nathan. Things have changed on the River Walk since that was filmed so this likely isn't the same table, but gives you an idea. LOL (hello, cheeseball!!)

So those are all of the hot spots we went to while we were there. It was kind of difficult to navigate through the residential areas so I didn't bother with Haley's, Peyton's or Nathan's houses. We also drove by tons of other filming spots too. It was pretty awesome to see it all in real life. Now I feel like I have satisfied one of those bucket list items, even as nerdy as it was to do so. LOL. 

Thanks for joining me :D 

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