I can't even believe how fast this past month has gone by! I'm doing my best to soak up all the cuddles and not let the sleep deprivation get me down too much. I know how quickly these days go by and I want to hold on to them as tightly as I can. Hence the overload of pics on social media. ;) #sorrynotsorry.
Luna is growing and changing so much. Already starting to see her little personality come out! She's happy and content as long as you're doing exactly what she wants you to be doing. She reminds me of a little boy I know. :P
Like I did with Jack, I wanted to do monthly updates so I could look back on these days since the details tend to get easily lost in the recesses of my faulty mommy brain. Ha.
So here goes:
Weight: 9.5 lbs as of Monday.
Length: 21.5 ish inches as of Monday.
Clothing: some newborn stuff still, but mostly making her way into the 0-3 stuff. Officially in size one diapers.
Sleep: great at night. Only wakes up once or twice and then it's back to bed. She's sleeping mostly in the Rock N' Play, but I'll pull her into bed with me around 5-6 a.m. (usually her second feeding.) It got to where I was practically falling asleep in the rocking chair for this second feed and I was scared I was going to end up dropping her. We'll be full-time co-sleeping in a few months, I'm sure.
Naps, on the other hand, are hit and miss. Sometimes she'll nap great on her own, but other days, I end up having to wear her all day pretty much.
Baby-wearing: since I've had some people ask, I mostly use the Baby K'Tan Breeze carrier I got when Jack was a baby. It's super easy to use. Downside, it's stretchy. So after a few days of wearing it, I feel like the support is gone. Once I wash and dry it though, it shrinks back up. I also have a Seven Sling I got from my sister. It's one of those cheap fabric ones, but is actually working alright! It does make me want to get a better light weight ring sling though. So I am open to recommendations if anyone has any! I can't do woven wraps right now. It's too damn hot.
Breastfeeding: Another update on this. So far, it's had it's challenges. My heart goes out to mamas with low supply issues, but I'll tell you, oversupply is not easy to cope with either. I pretty much only nurse Luna with one breast and then I pump the other one when I get too engorged. My supply is slowly starting to regulate though so I don't anticipate having to do that forever. I think with Jack, it pretty much settled around four months. So hopefully that will happen soon. The overactive letdown issues do cause a lot of reflux and tummy issues for Luna, so that really stinks. The block feeding does help as well as me pulling her off the breast when I have my letdown, catching the excess spray in a towel or breast pad.
I noticed some signs that she might be having an issue with dairy, so I cut that out and am starting to see some improvement there. It doesn't really surprise me as Jack still has a dairy intolerance. I'll probably stay off for a couple weeks and see how she does when I slowly reintroduce. It could have just been a symptom of my OALD too. Guess we'll find out! Breastfeeding really is a lot of troubleshooting in the beginning to find out what works best for you and your baby.
Her favorites: mommy, mommy's milk, her boppy pillow, gripe water, her Mam paci, lullaby music, country music (sorry, babe. ;)), being worn, her swing (on high speeds. lol) and her Rock N' Play.
Her dislikes: Reflux, being over tired/stimulated, being ignored, diaper changes.
It's been so much fun getting to experience the newborn stage again. Hard, but fun. She's similar to Jack in temperament. Pretty needy, mommy's girl. But that's okay. I'm used to it, at least. However, having two kiddos that are pretty attached to me is challenging to say the least. I'll probably do a separate post on that soon, adjusting to the life of a mom with TWO kids.
It's always weird to use the phrase: "the kids" now. haha. I love it though. I am so fortunate this time around that I'm not on "maternity leave" like I was with Jack. I was anxious the entire time because I was constantly stressing about leaving him to go back to work. This time around, I don't have that hanging over my head and it's been really nice and comforting. I am so lucky to have a husband who understands my desires to stay home and has been working so hard to make that happen for our family.
There are times when I miss working and miss interacting with adults on a regular basis, oh and miss going to the bathroom without a kid following me in there, but I definitely prefer getting to be home right now.
Love these sweet kiddos of mine. :)
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