Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Day in the Life: Work Edition

A co-worker of mine and I were talking yesterday about oversharing on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media, which I really try not to do. But can I say the same about my blog? NEWP.

This place is overshare central, ladies and gentlemen. So welcome aboard the Day-in-the-life train. I'm about to share with you all a rundown of what an average day looks like for me. Keep in mind, this is an average WORK day. Later, I'll share what my day looks like on an off day while I'm at home. The two are very different.

On your typical Monday, Tuesday or Friday, my day usually starts at about 6:30 - 7 a.m. with the cry for milk from my raging sweet little boy.

After we take care of that. I roll out of bed and feed Newton and make coffee!

Sorry for the blur. He was entirely too excited about breakfast. 

I spend the next hour to hour and a half getting ready and waiting for the sitter to arrive. Usually getting ready looks like this:

Baby on the hip! And yeah, he's chewing on my tooth brush. He's obsessed!!


8:30-9 a.m.:

I'm out the door and into the office.

 I commute 30 minutes to work, so that part determines on when I officially get into the office.

Then my day fluctuates. You never know what kinds of things you are going to do and see as a reporter.

Around 10:30-11 a.m. I take a quick break to do my first pumping session. 

Then I might start to drag, but I have my very unhealthy awesome fuel to keep me going.

Around 2 p.m. I get in my second pumping session for the day. 

Finally around 4-5 p.m. depending on when I got into the office, I get in my car and make the 30 minute trek back home.

Sometimes when I get home, I see this: 

Crashed baby with his awesome auntie.

I usually nurse Jack as soon as I get home.

Around 6 p.m., after daddy gets home, we eat dinner. Jack typically just eats little bits of whatever else we are eating.

We play, read books and hang out with our "pup pup" as Jack calls him. 

Around 7:30-8 p.m. depending on Jack's tired cues, I'll change his diaper and get him in his jammies. 

Don't worry, I take the teething necklace off before sleep.

Then we nurse to sleep! (if all goes well. Sometimes we rock to sleep if he doesn't fall asleep nursing.)

By 9 p.m. I'm usually in bed reading or messing around on Facebook.

Sleep by 10.

Welcome to my life :)


  1. I'm exactly the same way! I don't like over sharing on Facebook, in fact I don't really tell people I know about my blog. But on my blog...it's all out there!

    Thanks for sharing your days. I really love how you work part time as well as stay at home. Best of both worlds! I've been thinking about maybe doing that as well. I have to get some ducks in a row first;D But I'm glad to hear it's working out for you.

    1. Thanks for reading! I don't have a lot if traffic here so it makes it easier to over share. Lol. Working part time really is great.
