Monday, December 9, 2013

Nine months!

First, I just want to thank you all for taking the time to read my blog and these updates on my sweet, growing little guy! I know everyone tends to think that their baby is the cutest, sweetest, smartest, etc. baby to have ever lived and I am definitely no exception ;) LOL. So I am glad you are all tuning in to our lives. 

Now, for the update. I tried to get my usual flat-on-the blanket pose but Jack wasn't having it. Guess I didn't anticipate having a wild baby to wrangle for these photo shoots. Ha!

Jack's Nine Month Stats:


This will have to do :)

Weight: 22 lbs
Height: about 28 inches I think.
Teeth: Top two and bottom two
Food: Breast milk, some puréed foods, but mostly little bites of whatever we are eating. He really likes stuff he can feed himself like Cheerios and puffs.

Diapers: Still mostly in cloth, but at night I put him in a size 4 Huggies overnight to help avoid diaper changes during the night.
Sleep: I've been semi-successful in putting this baby down for the occasional nap. I still mostly have to hold him the whole time, but I think we are slowly but surely transitioning out of that.

Now, let's talk baby skillz.

I have to say, this is probably the biggest jump in growth and advancement that I have seen in him yet.

It's funny because at each month and at each stage of Jack's development, there are good things and bad. But I have to say, I am looooving this stage. He's just so much fun. And hilarious. I die laughing all of the time.

He is a crawling machine these days. He loves it if you chase him too. He giggles like a mad man and takes off. 

Hold still! 

He's also been really funny about his paci. He does this all of the time:

And when he's nursing, he'll take the paci out, but sometimes he'll detach from me and put the paci back in his mouth for a few seconds before taking it out and returning to his eating session. It's so weird and funny. LOL. I just picture him like, "sorry, mom, need a quick paci break."

I sure hope we don't have too strong of an attachment to that thing though. Mostly he wants it when he sleeps.

Look at those lashes!

Speaking of weaning, Jack no longer takes bottles. He's drinks all of his expressed breast milk while with the sitter out of a sippy cup! Yay!

He is also starting to climb and pull himself up on EVERYTHING. This means lots of falls, head hits and crying. Sometimes he'll be totally fine if he bonks his head, but other times it's like he is more aware of what happened and will act like he's dying. Poor kid. Unfortunately he got the clumsy head-bonking trait from his mama. I've hit my head on stuff more times in my life than I can possibly count. It's why I'm so special, I am sure ;)

He is officially saying, "mama," "dada," "baba" and "nana." He also has this "word" that he's been saying for a long time now, which sounds like "aingola." No clue what it means, but he says it a lot. LOL.

His new favorite sounds have been to growl. A lot! lol. I think it's because sometimes we growl when we play with him, so he'll crawl around after the animals and growl at them. It's pretty funny. He also does this little tongue clicking thing. Again, probably my fault. I click my tongue at our dog all of the time. And he's started doing it toward the dog too! Smart baby :)

He has been walking with support a lot and often wants me to hold him so he can stand. He's stood a few times on his own now without me having to hold him, but it's usually only a few seconds at a time. He's so wanting to walk though. Part of me is really excited for that milestone, but part of me is very intimidated. ha!

He started using the walls last night to walk around. Oh boy, I think he'll be walking soon! 

He is also seriously the sweetest baby. He started doing this thing where he'd just rest his head on your shoulder for a quick cuddle every once in a while. And so when he'd do that, I'd always go, "awww." So now if I say "awww" he'll put his head down on your shoulder and grin. It's soo cute.

He's also really big on sharing. He'll share his paci. He'll share his soggy puffs. It's sweet, really. lol. And I get all kinds of sloppy open-mouth kisses. :)

We also got to experience his first snow this weekend! We live in an area where it rarely snows and we got almost a foot on Saturday. It was crazy! Jack didn't know what to think of it, and was really fighting us on that jacket. lol.

And now, at the end of this post, I am going to take a quick minute to brag a little bit. I've officially lost 45 lbs since having Jack! I am down 20 lbs from the weight I was when I got pregnant. I still have some toning and stuff I'd like to do, but I am feeling pretty good. 

Me now compared with me in May. Jack was about two months and sooo itty bitty!

It's even crazier to think in three months I'll be celebrating one year! Guess I better start planning a birthday party! 

Happy nine months, little man :) 


  1. I rarely comment, but I do love your little blog. I love hearing about Jack. My little boy is about a month younger, so it's fun to see what might be going on in another month: )

    And congrats on losing the weight! You should be very proud!

    1. Thanks so much! It's such a fun age, right? and thanks for reading!
