Saturday, November 9, 2013

Eight months!!!

Jack is officially three quarters of a year old and I just can't even handle how fast this year is going by. Maybe it's all of the sleep deprivation messing with my brain and altering time. Whatever it is, I'm doing my best to soak up each and every day with my guy. In fact, it's nap time right now so we look like this:

All of our naps still look like this. I rarely am able to ever successfully put him down in his crib or on the bed, couch, wherever without him waking up shortly thereafter. I'm hoping he eventually grows out of the need to nap on me, but in the meantime, I'll soak up whatever cuddles I can. 

In other Jack news, in case you missed it, Jack is now on the move! This kid is crawling everywhere. But mostly to go after kitties. 

Other Eight month stats:

Weight: 20 ish lbs!
Height: about 27 Inches, prob a little more.
Teeth: Bottom and top middle two, so four total.
Food: Breast milk, some puréed foods, but mostly little bites of whatever we are eating. He really likes egg whites and olives and apples.
Diapers: Still mostly in cloth, but at night I put him in a size 4 Huggies overnight to help avoid diaper changes during the night.
Sleep: He still only wants to be held for naps (thank heavens for baby carriers) and at night, he usually sleeps pretty well only waking up two or three times to nurse. Except for when the teething monster is in town.
Skills: Crawling! Assisted standing and some pulling up. 

Let's talk baby proofing. Wow, I knew this day would come, but I am so not prepared! I need gates! I need outlet and cupboard locks and protectors! I am so overwhelmed! It just seems like a better idea to go and get one of those protective bubbles, amiright?? 

Today I made the sorry mistake of leaving my Coke on the floor where I thought it was well out or Jack's reach. I went to rinse off his paci and when I returned four seconds later, I saw that while the freshly opened and still-full Coke can was out of reach, HE CAN CRAWL NOW, so the out-of-reach rule no longer applies!! He'd picked the can up and had the biggest smile of delight watching the soda pour out like a waterfall as he held it upside down. Oh boy... Methinks we are in trouble with this one. 

Seems like I really step up my mama game as my baby turns into toddler. 

To celebrate eight months of getting to be a mom to this amazing, silly baby boy, we went and had a family picnic so we could soak up one of the last gorgeous Fall days before the cold weather really hits. 

Caught him about to eat a leaf. Ewww. 


Hope y'all are having a good weekend! Watch your soda cans ;) 


  1. Thanks! I think he's pretty cute, but I'm partial, obvs. lol. Thanks for reading!
