Friday, May 10, 2013

Two months!

Wow, are we seriously at 2 months old already!? I know it seems like I am in a constant state of surprise on how quickly time is flying and how fast my little guy is already growing, but seriously! It is unbelievable how much Jack grows and changes daily!

To celebrate this milestone in his development we had our two-month appointment yesterday during which Jack got his first set of vaccinations :( Poor guy! He cried. I cried. It was a terrible experience all around.

In other Jack updates, he officially weighs 12 lbs and 12 ounces and is 23.5 inches long.

Guess mama's milk (and my son's voracious appetite) is working!

Other developmental milestones include smiling (all of the time. Love my happy boy!)

He is also holding his head up really well now! Still a little shaky sometimes, but he's really getting the hang of it. Still no rolling over. He wants to be held so much he really doesn't get an opportunity to try I guess.

He is still sleeping in his Rock N Play, which is nice for me because I can keep it close to the bed, but I have a feeling that might only last another month or so. His little legs are starting to get too long for it. lol.

He is also doing better sleep wise. He is better about taking naps now too. Most of the time they are on me, but that is okay. At least he isn't getting as overtired. Still sleeping great at night! Last night was 8:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m., so not too bad! Just wonder how long that is going to last. lol.

He still isn't playing with toys much, but is really intrigued by rattles. As long as I am the one shaking it. Once I try to get him to play with it, it is forgotten.

Also wanted to send a quick shout of thanks to all of you who got us diapers as gifts. We lasted 2 months without having to buy any! (save for a pkg of newborns). And we are still using the wipes we were given! Super awesome.

I'm contemplating going the cloth diaper route from here on out. Anyone out there in cyber space have any advice for me on that?

Now, for some adorable pictures that I am sure you are all dying to see ;)

Chilling with Aunt Kelly

Cuddles with grammy (her 50th birthday celebration!)

Super baby!

Nighttime cuddles with daddy.

Love that sleeping baby :)



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