Friday, April 26, 2013

Parenting over share

If any of you readers are friends with me on facebook, you'll likely have seen probably 100 pictures of my new baby :) Sorry, I can't help it. He is just way too cute for me to keep him all to myself. lol.

But seriously, I often worry that I am bombarding my fb friends' news feeds with (albeit adorable) pictures of Jack.

Then I read this article the other day and I felt even more self-conscious about it. I never wanted to be one of those parents.

Yet, I love my baby and I love sharing cute, fun pics of him with my family and friends.

So I guess what I'm saying here is that while you don't have to worry about reading any status updates about Jack's most recent bowel movement (that's what this blog is for! lol, jk...sorta. ha) I don't think I am going to be able to help but post my fave pics of him on my fb and instagram. And if someone out there doesn't like it, that is why they make the unfriend option isn't it??



Speaking of cute, here ya go!

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