Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Date night!

Daniel and I had our first official date night last night since we've had Jack. It was tough to leave him (I think I have some attachment issues. Lol) but I left him in excellent hands with my sister in law who will be watching him when I go back to work next week. (eeep!)

We went and got Chinese at our Fave Chinese food restaurant in St. George Panda Garden. :) then we went and saw the new Star Trek movie! It was awesome. Action packed from start to finish.

While it was awesome (and needed) my arms just felt so light all night. Lol. It was bizarre going more than an hour not holding my baby boy. Is it possible to be too attached to your baby?? Please tell me I'm not the only mom out there like this! Lol. I figured I needed the practice especially since I have to work tonight and will be going back full time next week. It's just crazy to think how fast the past three months have gone by!

Pics below of our date night :)

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