Tuesday, May 21, 2013

10 weeks!

We've officially hit the 10-week mark! Jack is growing every day. Seriously, one day a certain onesie or pajamas will fit and two days later they won't. It's nuts. His little personality is coming out full force now too. He is so funny and loves to laugh and giggle. We have all of these silly games we play and he loves it. He is getting more patient with me too, which is nice. Gives me a little more free time to get things done around the house or, believe it or not, actually shower. Yay!

He is also rolling over now from his back to his tummy, but so far only rolling on his left side. I have been trying to catch it on video, but so far haven't gotten lucky with that.

Other things he loves, his new play mats.

He sits there and stares at the blinking lights and listens to the sounds mostly, but he's starting to interact with the hanging toys now!

And he loves going on picnics! (I didn't get a photo of this darn it.) We went to the park on a picnic on Sunday and he loved being outside! Normally it is so bright we don't go outside much, but it was pretty overcast that day so it was awesome. I'll have to do it again soon and get pics next time.

10 weeks also means that I go back to work soon. In fact, I am actually covering a story on Wednesday evening. Just getting my feet wet and easing back into the groove. I officially start back on the 28th, after Memorial Day. Speaking of the holiday, so far nothing too exciting planned but I am sure Daniel and I will come up with something!

Any of you out there have big plans for the holiday weekend? Can I just say I am beyond happy that summer is coming! My favorite time of year :D

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