Friday, March 8, 2013

41 weeks... The post I didn't want to make

Well, if you would have told me four weeks ago that I would be still pregnant 8 days past my due date, I would have probably laughed and cried at the same time. The days are tougher every morning I wake up still pregnant, but after considering the fact that I am so lucky to still have a happy (presumably since he won't come out) and healthy baby inside of me, I am trying to be much more appreciative about the fact that I could be not pregnant right now and without a child. I recently learned that one of my online acquaintances that I met in a pregnant ladies forum lost her baby girl at 40 weeks. She was born sleeping and it was so incredibly unfair and traumatic that I cannot even imagine what she must be going through.

So still fat, still swollen, still sore and still very much pregnant, but it could be oh so much worse. I am just growing more and more eager by the minute to meet my precious baby boy and to hold him in my arms and know that he is safe. I am sure there is going to be lots of time in the future for me to worry about my boy, but it will be so incredible to meet him and I cannot wait.

Without further ado, on to my 41 week update!

Pregnancy Stats:

How far along? 41 weeks
Total weight gain: 25 lbs. Yup 5 lbs in the past week. Methinks I am going to have a very fat baby.
Maternity clothes? Of course. 
Stretch marks? Still no new ones.
Sleep: Still craptastic.
Best moment this week: Having my family in town to keep me company while I wait! 
Miss Anything? I miss not having an aching back.
Movement: Actually kind of a lot. This kid gets cray cray right before bed.
Food cravings: Not really. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.  
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Which one haven't I experienced?? (other than water breaking)
Symptoms: SO swollen!!
Belly Button in or out? Still in.
Wedding rings on or off? Still off. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Much moodier this week than I have been.
Looking forward to: Having this BABYYY!!!

Again, family and friends, I will update as soon as Mr. Jack decides to grace us with his appearance. I know many of you are super excited to hear the good news too and we are so grateful to have such awesome family and support during this time. If he has not come by Tuesday next week, I am going to be induced, so we'll have to hope he wants to help his mommy avoid an induction and do the job himself. But either way, the next post will be full of baby pics!!

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