Thursday, January 19, 2017

Oh no, not another political post...

Hey ya'll.

If you're still my friend and/or reading this blog this many days past the election, ima give you some major kudos. Even for the fellow libs who agree with most of what I post, I know my frequent political tangents can get annoying.

But I'm also not going to apologize for it. I believe what I believe and I won't even stop speaking out. As long as I have that right, I am going to use my voice to express what I believe to be in my best interests. And in the best interests of many of my family and friends.

Tomorrow we embark upon a new world. Literally. Donald Trump is going to change everything, for better or for worse. The realist in me thinks it'll mostly be for the worst. But part of me is so proud at the activism I see around me now. I see so much spirit and fight and unity. All thanks to Trump. If that is the one bright spot I see come out of this new world, at least it is something.

I read an article about a new study the other day that talked about how when people's dearest values (political values, thoughts and opinions) are challenged, they (we) shut down. It's a defense mechanism. We don't want our beliefs to be challenged. That's why we don't listen to each other's thoughts and opinions on politics, human rights issues, etc. They say we are getting worse and worse about this as a species, and its largely what is leading to this major divisiveness we are seeing in the world now, and especially in our very own country.

I have many family and friends who disagree with me politically, but I love them anyway and I think most of them probably love me back. Obviously on some level, we can agree on what should matter in this country. It's just interesting that we have such starkly different methods on how to get those goals accomplished.

Despite my defense mechanism potentially coming up during a political discussion, I wish more people would challenge my thoughts and opinions. It's how we grow. I've had my eyes opened significantly in the past 18 months. I always thought I was a pretty liberal feminist, but now I see I was still pretty close-minded in a lot of ways. I'm grateful I've been able to open my mind to the plight of others and recognize what is truly important. I am grateful I am going to be able to hopefully pass on that mindset to my children.

We, my little family and I, have been pretty fortunate these past eight years. I am so glad I got to live in this version of history, under the leadership of President Barack Obama. This man, is truly a hero to me and I am so, so sad he's leaving. I still have the copy of the New York Times on the day we named our first black president. How incredible. I am grateful to be a living witness to this history. I only hope to see his legacy carried on.

In the meantime, I've got some plans for the next four years. Taking action. Standing up for what I believe in. Not shutting up.

And tonight, I've got some other plans as well. :)

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