Monday, November 28, 2016

Luna Marina: Month Six

You'd think at some point I'd get used to time passing by so quickly, but it just isn't happening. I seriously cannot emotionally or mentally wrap my head around the fact that my sweet, happy, funny, smart baby girl is now half of a year old. HALF. A. YEAR, PEOPLE! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?

It's so bittersweet. While I love watching her reach new milestones and get bigger, smarter, more capable and independent, my heart also breaks a little bit every time just because I know this is our last time getting to watch a little human this size accomplish all of these things for the first time.  I'm so fortunate to be in a position to get to be home to watch it happen and soak it in. Some days it's hard and I need a break, but most days I love getting to soak up the cuddles and enjoy all the small moments I have with these incredible kiddos.

So let's look at what six months looks like for this sassy little bebe. 


Weight: 19 lbs (89 percentile)

Length: 26.8 inches (80 percentile)

Clothing:  6-9 months, size 3 diapers. 

Teething: Two tiny little toofers on the bottom!


Skills: Sitting unassisted, standing assisted, scooting on her bum and tummy, jumping in her jumper, grabbing out-of-reach toys, chewing on allllll the things, gives kisses to mommy and daddy. Says, "hey" or "hi" in greeting (no joke) and said Daddy the other day. *wipes tears*



Sleep: Kinda sucks these days if I'm being honest. She's been nursing more at night. Can you say growth spurt? But her naps are longer (which was soooo nice for our travels over the weekend). She still mostly only naps if you're holding her, but will sometimes still crash in her swing or by being nursed down. 

AND new development, she'll only sleep at night if you're right next to her. So much for trying to do anything after she goes to bed at night. 

Eating: I just did a separate post about this here if you want to read more! 

Luna Likes: 
The puppies. 
Her jumper. 
Playing with toys. 
Chewing on stuff. 
Being held. 
Dance parties.
Peek a boo. 
Video chatting with grammy.
Bath time.



Luna Dislikes: 
Getting dressed. 
Long car rides. 
Being ignored. 
Being put down. 
Not getting to eat with the fam. 
When she can't figure out how to get her paci back in her mouth. :P 

This age is so much fun. I love watching her figure things out and enjoy mastering new skills. I love seeing her little personality start to come out. She's so much like Jack it freaks me out. Literally, all of her milestones so far are almost week for week the same as what Jack did too. Crazy! 


I mostly love watching her daddy and brother just totally dote on her and adore her each day. This girl has them totally wrapped around her fingers and doesn't even know it yet. (I'm sure she'll figure that out though. :P) 

She's the perfect little caboose to our family and makes us feel so complete. We love you, Luna Marina Dawn. Always be you, baby girl. We are so lucky to have you in our family! 

Newborn to six months. I cannot even believe it. 

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