Thursday, August 25, 2016

Luna Marina: Month Three

This has been a quick three months, I'll tell you what. A fun, amazing, stressful and exhausting three months, but we've made some great memories. I take a million pictures, if you haven't noticed. My kids are going to be so embarrassed with how obsessed I was of them one day, but I don't even care. Ha. I made these little creatures so I feel perfectly justified filling up my camera roll with a zillion pictures of their cute little faces. :)

I forget how much they change from their day of birth through the first three months. While nothing can substitute a cute little squishy newborn to cuddle all day, it is so fun watching them grow and learn.

Hi there, cute baby. 

Luna is super smiley all the time. Unless she's a bit colicky in the evening and then she's raging pissed. But usually some gripe water clears that up. I've gotten a lot luckier with her than with Jack in terms of colic. His was so bad thanks to my overactive letdown issues plus his dairy intolerance.

Luna has benefitted from my new knowledge and fortunately doesn't seem to have a problem with dairy so far. *phew*

Other Luna stats:

Weight: 13 lbs 8 oz. (We found out yesterday at her appt for her thrush)

Length: 24 inches

Clothing: Well into 3-6 month stuff and is in size 2 diapers!

Sleep: I know from experience, with the infamous 4-month sleep regression looming around the corner, that our good luck with her awesome sleep habits is about to end any time. But right now, she sleeps from about 9-5, wakes to nurse and then goes back down until 8. I will take it. 

And SOMETIMES (I'm totally gonna jinx myself here) she falls asleep on her own at night. *gasp* I know, right? Got myself a unicorn baby, right here. A few times I've put her in her rock n play (which she's growing out of...sad) and she has fallen right to sleep with no fuss or tears. Many of you know I'm not a cry it out fan, so the fact that she's doing this on her own occasionally is amazzzing. 

Napping is a little more intermittent. She cat naps throughout the day, but usually manages to get about four solid naps a day.  She generally does not nap on her own. Sometimes I get lucky and she'll nap in her swing or in the car. But she's usually awake in the car (just chillin'.) And then naps in the ring sling or ktan. 

Breastfeeding: Is going well! She eats probably 8 times a day, which is normal. She's not a cluster feeder like Jack was. She only nurses for maybe 10-15 minutes on one side and then is done. And then spits up half of what she just ate. Not sure how she's getting so chunky... lol. 

Unfortunately she did contract a case of thrush this week, so we've started the meds for that. If you've read this blog since the beginning, you'll know I struggled with thrush quite a few times in the early days with Jack. I've been taking a lot of steps to prevent getting thrush this time around, but it is one of the unfortunate side effects that often go hand in hand with having oversupply and overactive letdown. 

Now that we've hit the three-month-mark, I'm thinking my supply will start regulating better soon. I still pumped a solid 8 ounces from just my right side this morning after I woke up though. 

Skills: She smiles like the happiest baby on the block. Is starting to giggle. Oh nothing like the sound of a baby giggling. <3 She can roll over from back to tummy on both sides. Hates tummy time. Is starting to sit on her own. Jack was an early sitter at 4 months, so I'm thinking since she's like the female version of him, we'll see some physical prowess from her too. 

Speaking of, she just adores her big brother. She watches him and smiles and giggles.


And he adores her. A little too much sometimes. This morning I was making coffee and hoping Luna would sleep a little longer so I could enjoy my first cup while it was still hot, and Jack comes running in the kitchen: "Mommy, someone is awake! I woke her up because I like it better when she is awake!"

Seriously kid? ugh. 

thanks a lot, Jack Bean and Dragon. :/

It helps that she is just the smiliest happiest baby when she wakes up. Love watching her good morning grins. 

Adjusting to having two kids is going smoother than I expected, to be honest. Especially since I'm alone with the kids throughout the week. But as long as I don't try and hurry, give myself plenty of time to get everyone ready if we have to go somewhere and encourage daily afternoon quiet time (read: iPad time), it goes pretty well. I still plan on doing a separate post on being a mom to two kiddos here soon. 

Overall things are going well. If our house would finally sell, it would be even better. Ha! But I'm just holding back and being as patient as I can with that. 

For now, I just try and focus on the day to day, watching my kids grow and learn and enjoy time with them. I'm a lucky mama, for sure. 

(By the way, this is my 300th post! Crazzzy)

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